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So a few friends asked me to make this chapter erotic and I was against the idea at first because eroge is really embarrassing to write and I'm not particularly good at writing them. Anyway, I just threw some ideas together and here you have it, Chapter Seven!

Haru undid the towel he had around his head and threw it in a basket along with his dirty laundry. Babysitting two girls was more than a chore and ever since their walk in the park Celes had been acting strange. She was normally well versed but since then she kept saying the weirdest things. To protect his manhood, he had to stash his dirty magazines in the most outlandish of places as they seemed to be a magnet for the two girls' curiosity. He sighed and made his way back to his room.

It was late out but he could still here the vehicles on the road blaring as it were broad daylight , he chose to not let it bother him. He pulled out his bed clothes before his head shot around at the creak of the door.

"Mr. Otonashi?" Celes didn't bother waiting for an invite. She fixed her towel around her body and made small steps towards him.

Haru tried to hide the look coming on his face. "Celes, I thought you were sleeping?"

The girl shook her head and moved her hands behind her back. "I wanted to take a bath before going to bed."

He grimaced. "Uh, I just finished so you can go ahead."

Celes looked at the door then back at him. "Well... I was wondering if I could take a bath with you."

Haru suddenly felt his face steaming and he quickly turned away to not alert her of how hard he was blushing. "Dummy! You don't say things like that."

She looked confused for a moment but she shuffled closer to him until they were touching. "Do you not want to?"

He slid away from her. "I don't know how it was back at your home but me and you in a bath at the same time could bring up some questions here."

Celes nodded and hugged onto his arm. Haru could see how embarrassed she felt but she just wouldn't let up. "There's nothing wrong with us sharing a bath." She moved her forehead to lean against his chest and she slowly undid her towel to reveal her bare body.

Haru's eyes flew wide open. "C-C-Celes..."

The girl said nothing and took his hand and went on her toes to match his height. Ever so slightly her faced inched closer to his but Haru was froze by shock and could do nothing but shiver frivolously. "This is how humans mate, right?" Celes' lips folded over his and she caressed his neck before taking a step back. "Could you please remove it?  It's really embarrassing when I'm the only one nude."

He looked down at her, half nervous and half confused. "Why are you doing this?"

Celes took his hand and brought it up to her chest, trying to keep on a very dim smile. "It's because... because..." she whispered something he couldn't hear and she took a deep breath. "I've never felt like this before but this seems to be the only thing that would put me at ease."

Haru could feel his heart beating in his throat. He swallowed and took one step closer to her. "Celes, are you sure you know what you're asking me to do?"

She slowly nodded and chuckled. "Ironic that I'm the goddess of love yet here I am mindlessly throwing myself at you." She picked up her towel and sat on his bed. "It's fine. You don't have to..." Her words are cut off as Haru knocks her back and climbs on top of her.

"It's not that." The boy leaned in to kiss her. "I've just never done this type of thing before."

Celes squeezed her lips together. "Neither have I. Gods live forever so there's no real need to mate but the others always said it was something I'd never understand but I think I'm ready for it."

Haru gulped. "Other than Takumi, I have no friends." He raised his right hand and cautiously moved his index finger along her stomach. "I lost so many, I got scared of losing anyone else."

Celes held his face in her palms. "Is that the reason you hate the gods?"

He didn't answer and she suddenly felt something slither between her legs. She gasped at the sheer abruptness and she squeezed his nape.

"I'm sorry. I'm not really sure how to go about doing this."

She gritted her teeth at the pain that seemed to travel in streams through her entire body. "It... it hurts..."

Haru jumped back but Celes gripped him in place and locked her chest against his. "Celes..."

Her eyes were squinted shut and she let off a few soft whimpers before her shaking ceased. "Mr. Otonashi... I love you."

He suddenly felt a sharp sting to the back of his head. Those words... her warmth... everything about her... He put his forehead against hers and reached up to hold her hand. "Celes... stay here with me." He lowered his head between her bosom and licked at her nipples causing her to moan deeply.  He smiled at her look and started moving back and forth, feeling her warmth dispel then reappear just as quickly. "I love you, Celes."

Celes felt like crying but his words drew everything out from her. Her body began twitching in ways she never knew it could and through it all she smiled. She could still here the clapping of their skins with each thrust Haru dealt but at this point she didn't feel pain anymore. She was happy. For the first time in her immortal life, she felt wanted. Her mind melted away as her legs were lifted above her head and she could feel the assault he was unleashing on her body. Her hands went over her hips to touch Haru's.

Haru was being driven insane. Celes' body was so small but rigid and her ladiness was squeezing the life out of him but he couldn't stop himself. For the first time in his life he wanted to just let everything go. He forgot about his parents, his friends, everything which he had lost all those years ago. Everything was being pulled out of him. In a matter of moments, he felt something inside him gush out and he twitched before stopping.

Celes felt a tremendous heat course through her insides and she couldn't help but scream. All of a sudden, the euphoria she was experiencing vanished and was replaced by their heavy breathing. Her legs lowered and she almost stifled as Haru collapsed on top of her.

"I can't go much further than this." The boy rolled over to the next side of the bed and looked at her. "I hope you're not too disappointed."

Celes forced a smile through her daze. "Haru... love... you..."

Haru turned on his side to face her but she had already passed out. He let out a loud sigh and brushed the silver streams of hair that had covered her face. To think his first time would be with a supposed goddess was definitely something. He pulled the covers over both of them and put his arm around her. "I love you too, Celes."

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