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Never before had her feet been used to this extent. Celes pushed herself as much as she could through the ever thickening forest without a knowledge of where she was going; she had to get away.

"Lady Celes, watch out!"

Her eyes dart off in the direction the scream came from but she was knocked down a second later, rolling across the forest floor and ripping parts of her dress to shreds. She tried to quickly recover but a giant mabeast blocked her path. The dog-like creature stood there for a second baring its huge fangs at her and suddenly pounced at her. She managed to dog at the last second and tried whipping an attack at the thing but quickly regretted her decision. She was way over her threshold at this point but she could not stop moving. Not after coming this far.

She fled off into the next direction as to avoid the oncoming pack of mabeasts headed her way and almost immediately fell down a steep hill, barreling over a few times before hitting a tree and hurting her elbow. She staggered to her feet and tried hiding behind the base of a Pneuma Tree. As luck would have it, there were quite a few about the place in between the larger  Serosa Trees which blocked out most of the divine light in this area. She sighed and looked behind to see if they had already managed to track her; mabeasts hated the scent of Pneuma flowers.

Celes picks up a flower that had fallen from the tree and attaches it to what little sturdiness that was left of her dress. Her entire body froze in a moment when she heard the crunching of leaves. They weren't huge but they were so slow it must have been a mabeast. She prepares herself to run but stops when a voice calls out.

"Lady Celes?" A timid voice rounds the base of the tree.

"Chitoge, are you alright?"

Chitoge looked to be in much better condition than her seeing that she wasn't the one being chased. She nods and rests her staff on the ground. "I don't have enough magic left to heal you but you could absorb mine, Lady Celes."

Celes shakes her head. "I can't risk you passing out. I wouldn't be able to carry you."

"You could leave me here, m'lady. I wouldn't know where you're going so I wouldn't be of much use to the paladins."

"It doesn't matter. They'd torture you to death and I doubt what strength you have now could get me any--"

A loud thwack could be heard and an arrow passed through the thick trunk of the tree and pierced right through Chitoge's arm, creating a clean hole in her bicep. She let out a blood-curdling scream and fell to the ground, almost hitting her head against her staff.

"Chitoge!" Celes screams and goes to move off but another arrow  passes and just misses her upper leg.

"Lady Celes..." Chitoge reaches for her staff and says just one word. "Desseux."

Celes freezes in place as a dark circle opens under her and she starts falling. "Chitoge!" Her vision fades into nothingness for a moment. When she recovers, she starts feeling huge turbines of wind gushing against her face and very, very quickly, she sees the ground getting closer and closer and by the second. Her breathing is shut off and she stares bewildered at the floor laying literally thousands of feet beneath her...

A prologue is usually short but I'm currently working on Chapter One. Happy reading!

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