Chapter 7

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Marz's POV

We go into Bailey's room and we get ready for the party.

We go into Bailey's room and we get ready for the party

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(Marz's is the first one and Bailey's is the second)

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(Marz's is the first one and Bailey's is the second)

Luckily I could conceal all of my bruises and scars this time. We arrive at the party and Bailey ditches me because she saw Jordan. I'm just casually standing in a corner with my water when the star wrestler Derek Drews walks up to me.

"Hey have I seen you before?" he asks. "Yeah, we have English together. I'm Marz." I say without stuttering. "Oh yeah, you look so good tonight." "Thanks, I guess?" I say. We are just talking when all of a sudden I start to feel dizzy. which is weird because I haven't drunk any alcohol. My cup was filled with water.

I tell Derek that I am going to use the restroom real quick. I stumble up the stairs. I open a door and walk in but, it turns out to be a bedroom. I try to walk out but, Derek is standing in my way.

"Excuse me, I just need to get to the bathroom." "Oh no, Marz you aren't going anywhere." "What? Seriously I actually have to get to the bathroom though. Excuse me." I try to push past him but, he throws me on the bed.

          "I got you right where I want you, Marz. You aren't going to getaway. No ones coming to save you." I start to panic. "Please stop Derek." "Why? I don't want to." Derek starts to take off his pants. With the rest of my energy, I scream for help. "Shut up! No one can hear you. Your only making this harder for yourself."

            He ties my hands together with his belt as I start to fade away. He starts taking off my underwear and I whisper for help because that is all I have left in me. I shed a tear. My underwear is gone and he is about to rape me when someone breaks down the door. Ryder walks through. I'm saved. I blacked out.

Ryder's POV

         I walk in the party. I see Bailey and I ask where Marz is. She said that she saw her with that Derek guy. "Derek as in Derek Drews the star wrestler?" "Yeah, that dude." I look up to see Derek going into some room. Oh no. I rush up the stairs and hear someone yelling for help. That sounds like Marz. No no no.

        I kick down the door and see that Marz's hands are tied up and his pants are off. Her underwear is on the floor and she is not conscious. " Dude what the fuck. Why are you here?" Derek says in an angry voice. He must have drugged her. I punched him in the face. I was so angry I could kill the guy.

       "What the fuck, do you think you are doing with my girl?" "Oh, sorry man didn't know she was yours. we just came up here for a little fun. You can share, right?" I punch him to the ground and I don't stop until he is unconscious. I can't kill him here. There are too many people here and they will hear the sound of my gun. I text Jordan to meet me in the room near the stairs and that it is urgent. I told them not to bring anyone with them.

         Jordan walks in and sees Marz laying there. He gasps. He looks down at Derek. "I am going to get her out of here. I need you guys to create a distraction. Leave him here. We will deal with him another day." I say sternly.  " Got it, boss. I will be the distraction," said Jordan. Jordan walked out and yelled something to everyone and they went outback.

         I hurried and untied Marz's wrists. I wiped the tear on her face. I carried her to my car and placed her in. I don't know where she lives so I just took her to my house. I placed her on my bed and took off her heels. I had one of my maids put her in one of my hoodies. I gave her Marz's underwear that I took so she wouldn't go commando. I walked out of the room so that the maid could change her and I texted Jordan to tell Bailey that I took her home and not to tell Bailey about it. Marz should be the one to tell her not us.

         The maid walked out. "Sir I changed her and wiped off all her make up but, I thought you should know that she has scars and bruises all over her face and body." The maid practically ran away. Smart girl. I needed to punch something so I punched the wall. I need to find out who was doing this to her. And when I do I will kill them myself. I walked back into the room and fell asleep on the couch next to the bed.

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