chapter 3

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Marz's POV

Bailey and I sat at our usual table. A booth near the door. She sat across from me. I got orange chicken and rice for lunch. She got pasta with a breadstick and a side of smiley fries. I snatched her fries of course. She got ketchup on her plate for me. How sweet. She knew I loved my fries so she got them for me when she saw them there.

As I was about to start eating my orange chicken 4 boys strolled in. Ya wanna guess who? Yup Ryder and his friends.

         Ryder looks around as if he is looking for someone than his eyes landed on me. He looks straight at me. We make eye contact. He smirks. Ryder starts walking towards my table. I break eye contact as Bailey grabs my arm. "You did not tell me that you knew them," she says to me panicking inside. " It's a long story. I will tell you later." I said reassuring her. She then gives me a 'you better' look. To be honest I am freaking out too. Why my table of all tables?

         Ryder sits next to me at my table and puts his arm around the back of our table. Two sit next to Bailey sandwiching her and another pulls up a chair in front. " Nice to see you again princess." He says looking at me. "Hey," I say awkwardly. I look around the room and notice the whole cafeteria is looking at us with their mouths wide open. I sink down in my chair a little bit. This is not what I wanted. I did not want attention. "Oh, yea I forgot to introduce you to my friends" and then he was cut off by Ashley storming over.

            "You bitch!! I told you to stay away from him! What don't you get!" she practically yelled in my face with her annoying high pitch voice. The two boys sitting next to Bailey practically had to hold Bailey down so that she wouldn't go psycho on Ashley. Ashley suddenly raised her hand to hit me. I flinched expecting to get hit. I moved closer to Ryder. I was fully backed into him covering my face.

          After a few seconds, nothing happened. I looked up to see that Ryder had grabbed Ashley's hand. "What did I say about touching her?" I looked up to see his eyes had hardened. It scared me. "She is mine. I am not yours so stop saying that I am. You touch her again and I will not flinch to beat you up. or even better kill you. I do not care if you are a girl."

He let go of Ashley's wrist. Ashley grabbed her wrist and walked away scared... "That slut is so lucky that I was being held down. Or I would have beat her till she couldn't move anymore." Bailey said as the boys loosened their grip on her. I looked down. My face was probably bright red. Did he just call me his?

        Ryder looked down at me. He placed his hand under my chin and making me look into his eyes. "You okay princess?" he said sincerely looking into my eyes. "Yeah, I'm okay," I say. He lets go of me and looks back to the others. I completely forgot that they were there. I blushed looking down. I scooted a little bit away from Ryder.

        "So back to what I was saying. These are my friends. He points to the one sitting on The left of Bailey. This is Jordan Valentino." He smiles and waves at me. Bailey looks down smiling. I guess she likes him. Then he points to the one sitting on the right of Bailey. "That guy right there's Blake Robinson."  " Marz right?" Blake says. I nod. Ryder points to the last guy who pulled up a chair and says "That guy over there is Elijah Nelson." Elijah winks at me.

I point to my friend. "Well, this is my friend Bailey Brooks," I say and she waves at them.

After a while of talking. I go back to eating my orange chicken. When all of a sudden someone snatches one of my fries. "Oh no someone boutta die," Bailey says. I look over to see that Ryder is eating my fry.

I slap him on the back of the head and snatch my half-eaten fry back. The boys look at me frightened. I just realized what I did. Oh no. He looks at me and says "hey I was eating that." " Well, you took it from me," I say and then I stick my tongue out at him and eat the rest of the fry.

He just laughs. Where did this confidence come from? I just did that and he didn't kill me. I look over and he is talking to the boys. I look back down at my food and continue eating.

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