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𝓐𝓿𝓪𝓷𝓲 𝓟𝓞𝓥

how's my week in georgia? perfect! this state is treating me like the queen i am, what's there not to love?! not to mention benji's been the sweetest! he buys me things, and he's always complimenting me! not just me, but the other girls too! he's just been so welcoming to me, its nice to see there are people in the world who are so kind. well, the boys are kind they're just not as loving. and don't get me wrong, i love anthony with all of my heart but he goofs off so much with the guys. its kinda cute how excited he gets with the guys around! 

the past two days have been great! we went to the movies, the mall, chik-fil-a, the park, a hokey game and we even met some fans at a target! benji and jeyjey are pretty popular on youtube, its so cool! 

even though benji's actions were out of nothing but kindness, anthony wasn't really fond of him and i being so close lately. in fact- he seemed a bit irritated. and no matter how many times i tried to assure him that benji and i were just friends he just gave me an annoyed 'sure' and changed the conversations. i've only been in georgia for two days, and i had to reassure him 6 times! 

yeah, i felt bad but he needs to realize that this isn't okay and he needs to stop being so jealous! 

𝓐𝓷𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓷𝔂 𝓟𝓞𝓥

this is not okay! she's making me jealous! thats my girlfriend, i'm supposed to spoil, her not him! wait... what if she's loosing interest? what if vani doesn't love me anymore and she's just reassuring me that she does so she won't break my heart?! well this, this entire situation is breaking my heart! a lot! i want my baby back :( 

that same saturday, we had a meeting to go over everything that's been happening. 

"alright, whats the buzz this week?" bryce asked. "well, chase and noen think they have crushies on each other!" tony said. nick smiled warming at him... it kinda made me feel lonely. "good, you guys keep getting them to find onto each others hearts! kio and i got josh to quit his end of the plan, but we might just expose him anyway." bryce chuckled. "what about you vani?" he asked. 

"well, abby and i are a lot closer and she hasn't brought noen up once through the past two days!" she said over the facetime call. "you've been really close to that friend of hers too. what's his name? benny?" i mumbled, clearly irritated. "oh really? that's how your going to be?" she said. "yes! your practically in love with him! its all, benji-benji-benji! it's like i don't exist!" i said. "guys-" bryce started.

"anthony your being selfish! i've told you multiple times already, benji's just a friend!" avani said. "he doesn't seem like 'just a friend' to me!" i said. "well he is! he's even in a relationship!" she shot back. "that doesn't mean anything! he could make a move on you any minute now and seeing the way you guys are being to each other, you could just go along with it!" i said. "guys.." bryce said. "so you don't trust me?!" she asked. 

"its not that i don't trust you, it's just that so much runs through my head when your around other guys! especially if i don't know them! most of our guy friends are so close with you and it just makes me so insecure about how i treat you!" 

"you know what's funny? your getting worked over by someone who's gay, and in a relationship. its pathetic! this isn't worth it. anthony, im breaking up with you." 

"you know what?! fine!" i said, giving bryce my phone and walking off. "anthony?" jaden called. "where are you going?" he asked, following me. "home. i'll see you guys tomorrow. just finish the meeting without me." i said, my voice breaking slightly as i got on my skateboard and headed home. "i'll facetime you when i get home!" jaden shout, turning back around. 

𝓙𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓷 𝓟𝓞𝓥

that just happen? wow. that literally just happened. 

when i got back to where the others were, i heard avani go off the line. "well, operation choen might be taking everyone by storm but now we have another problem." kio said. "yes, but when would we do all that? we already have to get abby out the way and get chase and noen to admit they're undying love for each other, how much more can we pile on?" nick asked. "this job wouldn't be as hard, we don't have to get anyone out of the way. or end a master plan. blackmail anyone." bryce said. "wait, are we talking about what i think were talking about?" tony asked. 

we all nodded. "operation fix avanthony." i said, smiling. "but how?" 

"well, lets have avani handle abby first. she'll be back in 4 days and when she does we'll start handling avanthony." bryce said. "okay. for now, do the two of you have any idea on how to get chase and noen closer?" he asked. 

there was a hitch of silence. "well... no. but you can't be upset, we just executed the plan yesterday!" tony said. "chill man, it's fine. we'll figure this out." bryce said. then nick smiled. "you guys can go on a trip!" he suggested. "just you two, choen and anthony!"

"thats genius!" i said.

not only was that plan pretty smart, but i'd do anything to go on vacation again. within the past 5 months, i've been on so many trips! another one doesn't sound too bad! 

"you guys could go on a cruise?" kio asked. "hell yeah!" i said. "i've never been on a boat. this should be fun!" tony said. "don't have too much fun. i'll get lonely." nick joked, kissing tony's cheek. "i promise i'll bring you back a goldfish." tony chuckled, hugging the other. 

me wishing i wasn't single- but also happy to be single so i could hoe around with the ladies ;) 

"alright, cruise it is!" 

and with that, we started planning. 

the next day, we hitched the best cruise we could find; The Vegas Move. 

pack your bags boys, we're going to Vegas! 

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘 𝐁𝐄𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐍; 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐧Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя