3. Get Back Up

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Midoriya made sure to respond to the letter right away, he was sure that he wanted to go. Maybe it was just to spite his father, or maybe even Bakugo, but he had to go.

He didn't tell Bakugo he'd got a letter, because Bakugo had probably already worked that out for himself, and he kept it to himself and his mother that he had replied. His grades weren't going anywhere, so he just had to survive the last year of middle school.

He must have read the letter through a million times, even the fine print. He knew off by heart where to get the exact uniform, every piece of equipment needed, every word on the three pages was memorised down to a tee. One thing that surprised him on the letter was that they allowed dyed hair, whatever colour(s), which would usually be seen as a distraction in high schools.

Midoriya's final year at Aldera passed quickly, it was very normal, by his standards. He was excited to leave the place and head to UA, which had only recently opened for its soon to be second and third years. He had researched into the school thoroughly when he returned the letter, and had found out some things about the school since then.

It seemed extremely prestigious already, and was churning out excellent results. Already a few of their to be alumni were going to some of the highest ranked colleges in Japan.

The most interesting fact Midoriya had found so far was that no-one had ever seen the principal. Principal Nezu never showed his face, although his existence was well known. He was incredibly smart, but always sent out secretaries and people who worked for him to do basic errands instead of going out in public.

Many conspiracies centred on the man's real identity (not that any of them were correct, of course, but even Midoriya had his ideas).

On his first day at UA, he was practically vibrating at his front door. He had triple checked he had everything, and it was the happiest Inko had seen her son in what felt like years. He'd been chosen by this school to be one of its students, his future was safe in their hands. She knew this school would change his life.

Maybe she was too true with the last statement. 

When Midoriya made it to the school gates, he looked up in awe at the building. There must have been at least ten, maybe even fifteen floors, and the walls were reflective windows. The building looked like a 'H' from the front, and Midoriya, so full of energy, almost ran to the doors. 

Scratch that, he did start running, but tripped on his stupidly big red sneakers (which he was surprised he was allowed to wear with such a smart uniform). He felt a hand catch him and set him upright, and when he looked over to thank the person, a girl with archery gloves on smiled back at him.

"Oh... Thank you so much! I've made a fool of myself already..." Midoriya blushed as the girl just smiled brightly back.

"Don't worry, it never happened! Your 'secret' is safe with me." She giggled and winked at him, and Midoriya felt his face getting even hotter. 

"Haha, thanks again... Er, do you know where homeroom for class 1-A is? Today is my first day..." He dusted himself off and scratched the back of his neck. 

"Oh, I was about to ask you the same thing! I'm in class 1-A as well. Do you want to walk with me and find it together?" She smiled again, and Midoriya felt extremely nervous and sweaty suddenly.

"Of cOURse," He coughed, eternally embarrassed. "I mean, of course." He stuck out his hand to shake. "I'm Midoriya Izuku, nice to meet you. I'm guessing we'll be spending a lot of time together, you know, because we're in the same class, but then again you might not even like me, and I'll shut up now. Sorry." They walked through the front doors, and he paused momentarily to gawk at the spacious halls.

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