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nori-princess nori- sat at her mahogany desk, once again writing. it was a daily reoccurrence, penning her thoughts to paper. these thoughts more typically being that of her sexuality: homosexual. she had known it from the start. although, in her world, it wasn't normally looked down upon, just seen as taboo. not that she minded being odd, her whole personality was quite odd, considering her species: faerie, a royal one at that.

nineteen years ago, a faerie from a known kingdom in japan, was betrothed to her mother, the soon queen of the song kingdom. this wedding brought the two kingdoms together and in turn made both much stronger. nori's parents were smart, and, surprisingly enough for an arranged marriage, in love. with their hard work, the song kingdom flourished. three years after their marriage, nori was born, an only child due to her mother's issues carrying. a miracle child, they called her, worried they'd never produce an heir.

a knock on the thick door took nori from her thoughts.

"you may enter," the princess called. a short, somewhat stout, servant entered; minji, nori's personal servant, and seemingly only friend.

"your mother asked me to fetch you, but it seems you have yet to even dress." minji laughed curtly at nori.

the two discussed the festival that was set to happen in a few days time as nori dressed in a simple, silk and lace, green gown. the festival was in celebration of the king and queen's anniversary, held every year.

"well, i'll be off grooming that horse of yours while you speak to the queen. she seemed a bit worried." minji said as she left, leaving the door open as nori was about to leave as well.

walking down the corridor, nori hummed a small song she knew from a boy in a music group, a solo song of his, going by the title 약속, or promise. it may have been her favourite song, but she knew too many to really choose a only one. before long, she came across a large cherry door: the door to her mother's, the queen's, study.  she then pushed it open as quietly as she could, wishing to not disrupt the serenity that blanketed the castle.

"you summoned me, eomma?" nori asked as she stepped inside.

"yes. your father and i have been discussing some things as of late and we have come to the conclusion that you must be informed as well." nori nodded, a signal for her mother to continue. "your father might not last too much longer, as much as we hate to admit it, his condition has been getting much worse lately." nori's father has always had some medical disadvantages throughout his life, which have progressively gotten worse as he aged, now crippling him to a wheelchair. "you must find a suitor, as neither of us can rule alone."

"a series of banquets are to take place until you find the man you deem worthy."

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