Chapter 1.

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Today just couldn't get any worse, and that fact that I failed my resits didn't help my mood either. Mum was going to go ballistic on me! I sat on the park bench, watching the world go by around me. I swear I feel like some loser right now... I promised myself that my concentration would be all on the test, but he had to ruin things and get me kicked out of the exam room. I sighed as I heard the school bell ring from afar. I slowly got on my feet, scrunching up the letter in my hand and throwing it in the nearest bin before proceeding on my journey. I didn't think he'd even bother to make contact after all these years, but I guess I was wrong. I didn't intend on telling anyone especially not mum. She'd literally have a heart attack, only because she thinks he has something to do with it... Am in two minds that's why I tend to keep things locked away in my mind, therefore noone can try tell me different and vice versa.

I unlocked the front door, instantly kicking my tims off and making my way into the kitchen. A note residing on the counter caught my attention but I already knew the lame excuses mum had written on so I went over to the fridge, took some snacks, then headed up to my room. A eletric wave ran down my spine as I came in contact with my bed. It always happens, as the bed is like ancient and my mum hasn't bothered to change it since I was about 6. So yeah. I knew my phone would be blowing up like crazy with tweets, pings, bbms etc but I just want to be alone... I have my days, and today is the day. I occupied myself with whatever was on TV and gradually felt my eyes getting heavy. I yawned, tucking myself under my covers and fell into a deep slumber.


"What blood?!" - I roared in the youngsters face as he tried stepping to me. There's one thing I hate and that's disrespect! His eyes widened as I brought out my strap. I don't usually do this but this kid was asking for it, like I hardly said 2 words and he was already on me like some big man. Well big mans carry big things, I thought to myself executing a smirk.

"I-I-... My bad yeah? I d-d-don't want no trouble, I swear!" - he stuttered away as I tucked away my possession. Milly must have shooed him away because he was gone in a matter of seconds. We soon burst out laughing, entering the whip and driving off to our next location.


I woke up to my phone violently vibrating in my bag. I reached under my bed, mumbling nonsense at noone in particular. I got hold of my phone and wedged one eye open, as I read the message:

warehouse, 11pm tonight!

I groaned throwing my phone somewhere. I began plotting a way to get back at Edwin, the fool. I slid out of my bed, shuffling along the cold wooden floor towards the bathroom. I did my thing and in a matter of minutes I felt fresh as a daisy. I threw on some underwear, a long sleeved jumper and my dungarees. I wrapped my box braids into a bun, then applied a small amount of lipgloss to my lips and I was done. I eventually found my things and rushed downstairs as I dialled for my cousin, Carmen.


"Er, okay? Anyway where are you 'cos I'm about to leave." - I slipped on my tims, grabbed my bag and left the house. I help the phone close to my ear, briefly peering behind me.

"On my way init! The way I had to lie to Joan aswell... I just hope this ting is worth it y'know." - she went on and on, making me laugh. I reached the bus stop and read the time table, saying 'due'.

"Same! Watch me and Eddie if not.." - I climbed on the bus, tapping my oyster and heading to the lower back seats.

"Alie! But true say he's raves are always live and I'm sure half of London is going to be there." - she locked off as the bus came to a complete stop. I looked out of the window, watching Carmen talk to an unknown boy. She giggled away as he whispered in her ear. I rolled my eyes, sticking my earphones in, waiting for her flirting session to end.


I passed the zoot along to Darnell, as I blew the smoke towards the ceiling. Nothings better than a big fat zuggy after a long day in the office. I looked my left to see Femi on the phone, probably to some rat he's doing. I shook my head and checked my phone.

warehouse, 11pm tonight!

"You seen this?" - I passed the phone to Milly, who sat infront of me counting some money.

"That's today?" - he said passing back the phone.

"No shit." - Femi replied.

"So what, we reaching or not?" - I gave a limp shrug, and they all nodded. They soon left the flat shouting 'soon' and 'don't be late'. I chuckled as I got up, heading upstairs.

We all met back in the alleyway looking clean and fresh. We soon reached the abandoned warehouse, hearing the sound of Wiz Khalifa's voice blaring through the walls. I gave a couple nods and smiles, as I snaked through a bunch of sweaty people. Mills gave me a nod, going off into the crowd. I stood beside Femi and one boy called Peter sipping on my bottle of JD. This rave wasn't so bad, but I preferred being in my own company right now. I got a call from the home today, saying she wasn't eating properly so I know I have to reach there one day this week. I sighed leaning against the wall, watching girls get gropped, flipped over, dagger-... Basically attacked! I chuckled to myself but my eyes soon stopped on one particular girl. I coughed

uncontrollably as I chocked on my drink.

"Shit man! You cool yeah?" - Femi patted my back, laughing.

"Y-yeah yeah I'm good." - I looked up once again and she was gone. Shit, I thought to myself.


Carmen and lover boy kept going on with each other, so I trailed behind them with my earphones still in both ears. I soon felt a violent vibration from my feet, indicating that we arrived. I looked ahead at the warehouse, smirking at Eddie's genius idea. I'll be sure to pat him in the back when I see him, I thought. Carmen glanced past her shoulder giving me the thumbs up, I simply nodded putting away my things. A waft of body heat blew in my face as I entered the jam packed environment. I gripped Carmen's hand quickly, feeling myself being swallowed up in the crowd.

"Just stay close." - she shouted.


We soon found a space and observed the surroundings. I spotted Eddie getting down with some girl, and laughed to myself. He's always about having fun bless him. I continued to look around and felt someones eyes on me, like you know when you can just feel it? I couldn't get a good look, as people danced around me. I tried standing on my toes but that was a fail because Carmen dragged me along with her. Shit, I thought as we entered the kitchen.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2012 ⏰

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