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warning: underage alcohol and substance abuse is present in this chapter.

20:49 PM

Noelle has never been in a confined space with this many boys. Silas's car is a sedan, meaning five people at most can fit. Silas is driving with Christian in the front seat while Noelle is currently sandwiched between two of Silas's male friends who she's never formally met.

She tugs on her skirt as the Silas and the boys whoop and holler after pregaming. Silas opted out of the pregaming in order to get "completely shit-faced" at the party. He picked Noelle from her apartment building about an hour ago, her apartment being the second stop of the four stop journey, and hadn't said a word to her other than "Hey."

"Hold on, hold on!" Christian belts from the front seat, turning down the music of the radio. "First off, let's give Silas's hot friend a round of applause because being a designated driver on Halloween is very brave!"

The two boys beside her clap with Christian and yell. One slaps her shoulder a little roughly. Silas, on the other hand, doesn't clap in an attempt to keep both hands on the wheel and merely gives a small "yeah!"

Christian grins at Noelle before winking. He's not ugly, so to say. He's got a nice facial structure and pretty brown eyes. His hair is a light blonde (obviously dyed) and he had this lopsided grin that was cute, but annoying considering he's buzzed.

To be completely honest, Noelle only knew of Christian's existence because of Silas. The three rarely hung out due to Silas's request. Noelle can finally understand why Silas was adamant about the two of them meeting.

I wonder what Christian thought of Jade...

Noelle gives a small nod and a tight smile in acknowledgment of his praise, but says nothing. Silas slows to a stop, parking along the street across from Hayley Campbell's house. Cars are lined up in front of her house. Loud music blares, it only gettting louder when Noelle steps out of the car with everyone else.

She lets out a sigh before smoothing down her skirt. The boys laugh as they playfully punch each other in excitement. Silas puts on a head band with a rubber hatchet, it looking like the hatchet is imbedded into his skull. Christian is wearing a toga. The other two are dressed as a lazy version of Batman and Superman.

Noelle puts on her bunny ears headband, having no intent on actually dressing up. The rest of her outfit was just something for her to easily move around in.

She sighs before following the whooping boys into the house. Nine o'clock on a Saturday night has proven to be the best time for teenagers to party. Hayley apparently knows a lot of people; some Noelle recognizes, some she didn't.

Almost immediately, Noelle loses sight of Silas and the two boys due to the sea of people in this seventeen-year-old's house. Noelle's stomach drops at the realization. She stands on her toes, trying to see over the people to find the hatchet wearing idiot.

"Don't worry about him," Christian suddenly chimes from beside her, making her jump in surprise. Noelle looks over at boy, amazed how he suddenly got a drink in his hand. He takes a gulp of his drink. "He's gonna get a drink before he starts dancing with some chick."

Noelle frowns. "You know" Noelle questions,

Christian raises a brow before sipping his drink. He almost seems bitter. "Silas was pretty crazy last Friday. I mean, I've only seen him in action once, but I'll be able to establish a pattern after tonight."

That's not Silas's usually behavior, it never has been. Maybe Jade took a bigger toll than I originally thought.

Noelle's brows furrow as she looks at a seemingly normal Christian. Of course she wouldn't exactly know Christian's normal behavior, but his current behavior is not one of a drunk. Did he not pregame either?

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