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8:38 AM

Having all of his brothers under one roof was tiresome, to say the least. It was frustrating too, especially since they all had something to say about his first girlfriend. They were nuisances, to put it politely.

Still, it was never uncomfortable. As much as Damian playfully despised his brothers, he was never uncomfortable or bored with them. They were his family, they helped him feel safe.

But right now, he wanted to punch the amused smirk off of Jason's face.

"Don't be like that, Demon Head," the older one chortles. "I'm just messing with you."

"As you've done every day the past three weeks," Damian snaps before taking a bite of his eggs. "Your antics are tiring."

"Not for me!" Jason grins. "In fact, it energizes me! Seeing your embarrassed self only encourages me."

Damian scoffs. "I'm not so embarrassed as I am vexed. You couldn't find anything better to do while you wait around for the gala?"

"Like what?" Jason scoffs as he takes a slice of toast off of Damian's plate. With a mouthful of toast, he adds, "Deal with the conspiracies of two young villains? You're the one who said you didn't want any help."

The statement still applied. Damian was perfectly capable of handling Pathos and Beau while saving the city at night and remaining attentive to his girlfriend. Multitasking was something he could easily accomplish.

It was even harder considering he needed to keep all three apart, despite their straight-line connection.

Damian slaps Jason's hand away as he attempts to grab another slice. "Get your own, heathen."

"Don't insult him with words he doesn't understand," another voice teases. Tim enters the kitchen, heading straight for the coffee machine as always.

"Says the one who's gonna die before he's thirty," Jason scoffs. He rests his head in his palm before childishly sticking his tongue out.

"And I'll be thankful for it," Tim mumbles before focusing his attention on his coffee. As he prepares he asks, "So, Damian, what are you and Noelle doing today?"

Damian groans as Jason lets out a hearty chuckle. "You're as difficult as him," Damian insults, gesturing to the laughing idiot beside him.

"Does that mean she's coming here or are you going to her place?" Tim asks, hiding his smirk behind his mug.

"I'll be damned if she comes over while you imbeciles are here again." Damian nearly shudders at the memory. He brought Noelle back to the mansion after their impromptu date, forgetting his brothers were lurking.

"You just don't want us cooing every time we see you guys kiss again." Tim gives a dismissive wave at the sight of Damian's scowling.

"I don't understand why you're so upset over that," Jason admits as he reaches for another piece of toast. Damian slaps his hand away, making Jason smirk. "Your girl thought it was funny."

"Her name is Noelle," Damian corrects. "It's a miracle how often women flock to you."

Jason gives a toothy grin. "What can I say? I attract women who like to be degra—"

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