{2}- Escape

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I punched a slot, then another, the usually smooth rhythmic movement I made was somewhat rough and inexperienced this time, it appeared what happened in the last few hours was really getting to me, adding to that was the fact that we got no rest except the usual 20 minutes of slumpish tea.
There was something that didn't quite fit Demonatas and mirrors, so there was basically glass everywhere but no reflection. I hadn't seen myself in years.
It surprised me how it was only now, because of a girl I realized that this place was turning my insides out.

That girl..

I never believed it possible but I thought profusely.. What was I going to do. I only had my siblings and I was about to let them down because of a strawberry. It was hours after the Crevita-ruling High Court had sentenced me to death -as I called it-. Working on the path to where I called home, I began to think how a world of humans turned to this.. Out of every corner of my eyes I could feel them. It is still a mystery how crevitas got to earth but it is known knowledge that once upon a time.. It was only humans on earth. They were shadows. Not visible to the eye but visible to the eye, they walked around prestigiously like archangels, but truth be told simply every human knew that they were extremely powerful,
Within a mile their power could be sensed. Naive humans thought it as the only way.. Since they are more powerful they should peacefully rule all.. If only half of the human population gets to see what's done to a "sinner".. I could only imagine..

I was brought out of reminiscing my tragic past by a thought.
The way everything seemed was different.. Like I was looking at the world at another angle, I needed to get out of here.. Before I could finish the thought, Sharp pain pierced my neck.. It hurt so much that I almost yelped. I quickly got hold of myself, if I hadn't, I'd be center of all demonata attention and it seemed that I was the only demonata who had little to feel .. . I needed to get out without thinking.. But how.?
An idea hit me hard.. Literally as the pain was excruciating. Patience was the plan..

I got back into rhythm working the machine whose purpose I couldn't yet fathom. Patience. I kept on working, doing what would keep me half-alive right now.. I kept convincing myself to wait as I almost couldn't any longer..

Finally it came. The bell for dinner. Pain was constant but I could bear it.. All demonata queued up in a ritual like order and we were slowly moving to get our chips switched. It was then I noticed how disgusting we truly were..
I beheld the demonata in front of me and looked at myself and then it came to me why we were feared by humans.. I was lost in thought but was constantly brought back to reality by the increasing pain in my neck..

Finally it was my turn, I briefly studied the machine. It followed a routine, I noticed it removed the chip... Went all the way up and brought another then inserted.. As it was about to elevate again.
Immediately I sprung on the claw like machine, excruciating, almost decapitating pain seeped through my blood.. At that moment, HELL BROKE LOOSE.. Every single Demonata screamed, I could only focus on my heart pounding.
I believed that my current condition added to the pain because everything was enhanced.. The screams were like knives cutting through my eardrums and complimenting that was the sharp pain piercing through my neck. I couldn't even fathom the sound I was producing, I was lost for a moment. Regretting every single action I took. Everything was a blur momentarily, then I noticed something. The screams were subsiding....
were they stopping.?  For the first time I actually took notice of my surroundings, and I wasn't there anymore. The sound of their screams were like little birds chirping from afar.I realized the chip wasn't even bulging anymore.

I decided to take my time. I reached into my neck and ripped the little thing out, carefully, I let it go then watched as it sunk deep into what I now thought as my past.

As I approached the top of the building. I realized that the *thing* I was on was beginning to slow down. I thought I was imagining it until I actually felt it slowing down. I looked up.. I was so close to the top I could see light, not artificial nauseating light, Sunlight.
I tried to imagine how it looked like, I was still daydreaming, when I was snapped back to reality by reality.

All I had done would come to no avail.

I was brought back to reality when I tripped on a rock and almost fell. I absorbed my surroundings.. Noticing that I wasn't on the road to my house anymore, the enormous building in front of me held a detailed description sign that read "OPEN LIBRARY OF BORDON".
I was in no particular haste to get home. I stood still at the pavement, carefully observing each letter in that word "bordon", something was off about the writing, I just couldn't place a finger on it.."wouldn't hurt to read a book..boy" a sharp and dictative voice spoke from behind me.. I turned and noticed a stern looking man.. Probably in his early 50's. He posessed a cold immovable expression and something about him seemed familiar.. He looked unusually pale, and  his movement appeared awkward.. "wouldn't hurt to mind your business" I fired back.
He simply shook his head, shoved me sideways and took 3 long strides into the building.

I jumped. I jumped, watching carefully as my claws dug into the metal fabric of the tube, I was almost there,.. I can't stop now, I reassured myself.
I watched as the machine that brought me up fell so deep I didn't hear it land.
With every breath I pulled myself up and dug again, and again and again with strength I didn't know I possessed. I was so close, I could feel the atmosphere.

In a brief moment, there I was standing at the top of the most enormous building in the city. I accessed what was below, and commotion was indeed obvious. People running in and out of the buildings, with such commotion I knew it wouldn't take long for crevitas to actually get here. Reality then hit me. I had figured how to escape.. But
Now standing at the top, I realized there was also a getting down part.

Demonatas could land extremely high jumps.. But there was a limit to that..at the height.. I couldn't even count the number of buildings I could see, Jumping from here would mean death even for a Demonata, they were so many things that could go wrong that I didn't even want to think anymore. I quickly walked over to the edge of the building leaving the deep hole to my abyss of a past to naught, I moved to the backend edge of the building where people were the fewest, At the edge I remembered every single agonizing detail of the activities in that building, glad to leave my box behind.

Without thinking anymore I jumped.
I watched as the speed with which I was dropping increased dramatically....time paused momentarily as I observed sunlight for the first time in years.. And a faint picture of a girl flashed across my memory... If that girl hadn't come, I'd still be there... The wild air wheezing around me reminded me of the situation, using my claws as anchors, I scratched down the building, slowing my fall.

The ground was slowly approaching and I tried to imagine how it would feel to be barefoot on the ground. As I approached the ground I dug deeper and slowed down my descent more and more and more until I was barely 3 feet above ground.

I let go of the building and saw myself land softly on bare earth. What a strange feeling it was.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm..so I'm reading through this and I'm like wtf's in my head 🙂well it's stupid shit... More stupid shit in 2 days 🙂🙂

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