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Shoto jumped awake at the sudden voice, and Katsuki was woken up from his sudden movements.

In front of the two, who had fallen asleep on the bench, stood a very pissed off Midoriya, a worried Yaoyorozu, and slightly nervous Kirishima, who was trying to make sure Midoriya didn't lunge at the two boy on the bench.

"You were both gone all night and neither of you thought it'd be a good idea to tell anyone where you were going or how long you were gonna be gone! You could have died! What is wrong with you two?!" Midoriya yelled at them, completely forgetting to sign so Katsuki could understand. Seeing as he just woke up, he didn't even bother trying to read Midoriya's lips either.

"I'm deaf dumbass, what the fuck are you screeching about?" Katsuki asked with a grumble, lifting his head off Shoto's shoulder and crack his neck a few times.

The green haired boy quickly realized his mistake and signed to Katsuki just how upset and disappoint he was with his behavior.

"Dear god mother, I'm so sorry for worrying you and dad last night, please don't ground me and take my phone away."  Katsuki signed back with as much sarcasm as he could muster with how tired he still was. Shoto tried to contain his amusement as he watched what the blond was telling Midoriya.

Midoriya was nearly ready to burst with how anger he was, especially with Katsuki's nonchalant attitude about the whole situation. He took a deep breath when he felt Kirishima's hand on his back, rubbing soothing circles with his thumb to try and calm him down.

"Kacchan, you were gone all night. I had no clue where you were or if you were okay. You don't ever just disappear for that long without telling me. I was terrified." He signed, much calmer this time around.

Katsuki sighed, running a hand down his face. "I'm sorry. I know much you worry over everything and I should have texted you or something, but it just slipped my mind." He signed back to his friend. He knew how bad his anxiety was, especially when it came to himself. Katsuki thought it might have something to do with him being deaf, but he also couldn't be sure because he was just as anxious about Midoriya and he was prefectly capable of taking care of himself. They both were, they're both just fiercely protective of their best friend.

"Let it slip your mind again and I'll drag you straight to Mitsuki and let her deal with you." Midoriya threatened, making Katsuki's eyes widened slightly.

"You wouldn't dare!"

"But I would, Kacchan."

Shoto looked back and forth between them in confusion. "Who's Mitsuki?" He asked, using the name sign he was unfamiliar with, so he didn't actually know what name he had just signed.

"Mitsuki, Kacchan's mom." Midoriya said, like the asl teacher he had become.

Kirishima and Yaoyorozu didn't know nearly enough sign language to be able to keep up with the conversation, so they were both completely puzzled by the fact Midoriya had brought up Katsuki's mother.

"She's a crazy bitch." Katsuki signed to Shoto, making the dual haired boy chuckle lightly.

"Your mother's perfectly lovely to everyone that isn't you, maybe that's a reason for that." Midoriya signed to him sassily. Mitsuki was one of his favorite people, so of course he was going to defend her.

"You like my mom more than me." Katsuki signed with a scowl.

Midoriya giggled as he signed back. "Maybe there's a reason for that."

Yes, I am Signing About You (TodoBaku)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ