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"Calm down. You're being stupid." Katsuki signed as he walked into the gym with Midoriya, who was still panicking.

"You don't understand. You've had your quirk your whole life and know exactly how to use it, I don't. The best thing that could happen is I break both my arms and get nineteenth." Midoriya signed, looking absolutely defeated and they hadn't even started with the tests.

"You'll do fine, you're just overthinking it, like always." Katsuki had known Midoriya basically his whole life, meaning he was used to this type of behavior.

The tests started and as expected, Katsuki was doing great with all of them. He had a great quirk for the type of tests they were put through. He wasn't even really pushing himself that hard and he was still beating most of his class.

In the end, he came in third, which meant he was beat by two people. Katsuki was livid.

Yaoyorozu, the girl that placed first, had a quirk that could create whatever she wanted, with some restriction or another, Katsuki didn't pay attention because he couldn't careless. She made different objects and machines as they went, using them to pass all the tests. She was technically using her quirk, so Aizawa let it slide.

Katsuki thought it was cheating, so he wasn't too butt hurt that she ranked above him.

But the boy that came in second, Shoto Todoroki, hadn't created trinkets to pass the test for him. It was all physical ability with the help of his quirk, fire on one side and ice on the other.

He really pissed Katsuki off. He had beat him fair and square, there was nothing Katsuki could use an excuse other than Shoto was just better than him, which Katsuki could never actually admit.

Once the tests were over, Midoriya came in last, cried and then learned he wasn't actually getting expelled, they were all sent back to the locker rooms to change.

The green haired boy had been noticing something all day with Katsuki and he was finally going to bring it up. "Hey Kacchan? You've been staring at Todoroki all day, why? Do you think he's cute?" Midoriya teased, wincing slightly from the pain in his broken finger when he tried to sign.

Katsuki scowled at what he was suggesting. "No, I don't think he's cute! I'm pissed that he ranked higher than me." He signed angrily. "You shouldn't be signing, you broke your finger. Just talk and I'll read your lips." He added, noticing the pained look on Midoriya's face when he signed. 

Midoriya rolled his eyes at the excuse. "You really want me to talk out loud about the fact you think Todoroki is cute?" He mouthed to Katsuki, not actually saying anything seeing as it was pointless.

The blond's glare became even more intense. "I don't think he's cute!" He signed rather aggressively. "I'm not gay." He added as an after thought.

Midoriya shot him a look. "Kacchan, you came out to me like three years ago." He said, still not using volume.

"Whatever, you don't need to bring it up. Not every guy I look at I find attractive, okay? Do you understand that, Deku?" He signed in a mocking fashion.

"Yeah, I understand that, but you think Todoroki's cute. I know when you think a guy's cute and when you're just mad at them." Midoriya said with a smirk.

"I don't think Todoroki is cute! How many times do I need to tell you I don't find him attractive?" Katsuki signed.

Midoriya saw Shoto send them both a confused look and giggled at Katsuki. "I think you've gained someone's attention." He signed, pointing at Shoto, not caring about the slight pain in his finger.

Yes, I am Signing About You (TodoBaku)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt