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Please read and review. I love reading reviews because it helps to motivate my writing, while other reviews help me to become a better writer.

Enjoy Chapter Seventeen!

Let me know your thoughts so far! Trust me, and it helps loads! :) Stay safe, beautiful people!


Draco hardly got any sleep. He could not let go of the feeling. He just couldn't.

The child looked too much like him. He had to find her. He made up his mind to ask Potter first thing tomorrow.


Hermione put her precious son to sleep and kissed his sweet forehead.

Switching off the light, she picked up the glass of wine she left in the kitchen and sipped the red liquid.

Her thoughts went back to the man she saw today. The way he stared at Ryan, a shiver ran down her spine.

He was still strikingly handsome, even more so now. His suit hung on him like a second skin.

She felt the heat rise within her as she remembered how his kisses and touch had been burnt into her skin and memory.


"Hermione," Harry tried to get her attention as they sat across each other at a deserted Muggle coffee shop in the early hours of the morning.

It was their escape from the wizarding world. It helped that they had the best Chocolate cake in London. Frosting so thick it made you lick the fork more than once.

Harry pressed, "Malfoy is no fool. He knows something is out of place. Ryan looks too much like him to go unnoticed."

Hermione sighed and stared at the wall behind Harry's head.

Harry took a big bite from his chocolate cake and continued, "He has no idea where you are, but he might start looking, and I dare say if he starts, he will find you."

He grinned, "Malfoy Isn't the arrogant twat he was at school."

She poked her pudding and frowned into the fluffy mix of chocolate.

She knew more about Draco than he did about her.

Harry's tone softened, "Why don't you speak to him or find someone else; I hate to see you wasting your life away."

For three years, she dedicated her life to Ryan while holding onto memories of Malfoy.

She snapped back to attention at once and waved her hand gracefully, "Expecto Patronum," a beautiful white wolf took form. It did a small circle around the cafe and vanished.

Harry stared in amazement, "After all this time, your Patronus is still the same as his?"

She stared into her coffee miserably, choked back a sob and muttered in anguish, "Always, Harry."

Harry nodded, reached over and squeezed his friend hand.


Draco tried in vain to get Potter's attention, but he seemed elusive.

Making up excuses to speak with him proved futile, and then Weasley and Potter were sent away on an assignment.


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