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I always figured Malfoy to be a great Seeker. Just my opinion! Makes for an interesting character trait. :)

Please follow and continue reading the story when updated. It's pretty cool! :)

Enjoy Chapter Three!


A Few Weeks Later.

Quidditch season was upon them, and the whole school was in an absolute uproar.

Hermione hardly saw Ginny, Harry, Ron and Malfoy since they were practising nonstop for the upcoming matches.

Why she added Malfoy to the list was beyond her!

It was probably because they lived together, and she was getting used to seeing the twat daily. He usually scowled when he saw her, and she had gotten extremely talented at ignoring him.

The competition was FIERCE, and her work was cut out for her. Many fights broke out among the houses in anticipation of the upcoming matches.

Quidditch was always such a big deal, but as far as Hermione was concerned, it was blown way out of proportion.

Besides, she hated flying and never stepped foot on a bloody broom.

In her world, brooms were for sweeping and not flying about the place at breakneck speed.

She sat in her dorm with a cup of tea and a book on her lap. As the cheers erupted once again from the stadium, it looked like Malfoy had caught the snitch sealing a Slytherin win.

Hermione could not help but think that Malfoy was the best Seeker in school next to Harry. She had seen him practise a few nights ago while taking a late-night stroll and couldn't help but admire his dedication.

He certainly looked sexy in his Quidditch robes. She was, yet again, picturing his taut muscles and firm body. The fact that she disliked him didn't change the fact that Malfoy was a good-looking fellow.

Covering her head with the book she was reading, Hermione slid down the seat.

She only took an active interest in Quidditch if it involved her House or Harry, Ginny and Ron but beyond that, she was just not bothered.

Her friends were at the current match, apparently studying the competition Harry confided in her.

As long as Harry was Captain and Seeker, Gryffindor would win.

She had forgotten the last time Gryffindor lost a match.

Harry and Ginny were bloody brilliant, and Ron was a decent keeper.

Hermione thought back fondly to Ron's keeper tryout. He had been so nervous.

Cormac Mclaggen also tried out for the team, sending Ron's already bundled nerves into overdrive.

To be fair, Cormac was the better keeper, but his attitude had been bloody awful, and for once, Hermione had done the worst and used magic to cheat.

Placing a Confundus charm on the arrogant Gryffindor that had been fairly easy, Cormac had no idea what hit him when he missed the last goal.

Ron made the team, and everyone was happy.

Reluctantly, she also remembered the brief fling with Cormac and frowned at her awful lack of judgment.

He was a good-looking bloke and a conceited arsehole to boot. She lost interest fast.

Completely immersed in her daydreaming and listening to the cheering from the Quidditch pitch, she nearly jumped out of her skin at the loud bang of the dorm door closing.

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