Right in front of me sits a new girl. Her hair is embre, from brown to blonde. She is very attractive from the back, can't wait to see the front. I watch her for a couple of minutes and then I see her turn around. She has blue eyes and she a very structured face. I can tell she's Native American. Her skin is tan. Not spanish, but golden. Those eyes stick out like no other. 

"Hi, what page are we on? I'm totally lost." I lie. I know exactly where we are. I need to talk to her. 

She turns to me "One hundered and fifty-two." her voice is soothing. I don't reply, I just look at her in fascination. She blushes a deep red. She then takes my book and turns to the page. I repeat her. "One hundered and fifty-two." I write my number down and slide it to the end of the table. She takes it and hands me my book. Her number is there. I giggle and memorize the number. 

Class lasts forever and it's almost relieving to hear the bell. I realize I still have other classes and groan softly causing her to look back at me as we walk through the door. She kind of just leaves. I walk to Blaine's locker I see a Freshy slip a note in it. I grab it from her hand before she slips it in. I glare at her causing her to walk away. I open his locker and find multiple notes. I take them out of jealousy. I look through his bag. 

I pull out one of his shirts. I throw it on and leave my leather jacket in his locker. It's a little baggy so I tuck the front in, and continue to second period. Mackenzie and Kendra walk up to me and hand me an envelope. I look it over and they know what I'm going to ask. 

"It's for Alicia Bennet's Sweet 17." they mock the name. "Most of the Senior class is invited, all the Juniors, most Sophmores and a few Freshman. But there's some people from another school. Well 3 other schools." I look around to see that everyone has one. I smirk.

"So, are you guys going to bring someone? Or are we planning on meeting someone when get there?" I set my stuff down and rub my hands together.

They exchange glances. "We though you and that Annabelle were getting exclusive..?" I shrug as the teacher walks in. Mackenzie sits to my left and Kendra to my right. To show them that me and Anna are nothing I put my hand on Kenzie's thigh and she closes her eyes and leans her head back and I officially cannot wait until this party. I sigh.

Class ends soon, especially because it's a shorter period. I quickly walk to my locker. I just want to grab my 3rd period things and get there. I'm almost positive that girl who sits in front of me in my 1st period class is in my 3rd, too. 

As I arrive at my locker I see Carter flirting with her. I walk up to Carter and play the girlfriend card. 

"Hey Cart, Melissa called me. She wants to know why, being your girlfriend and all, that you don't reply to her texts anymore." I say with a smirk and guide him away with my fingers on his shoulder. I turn to her.

"I never caught your name." I say twisting my locker combination into my locker. She smirks.

"Luna. My parents met under the moon, so they thought it was suiting." she says with air quotes.

I look at her once again in astonishment. "That's a beautiful name! Almost mesmerizing." I exchange my books and lean along my locker looking her over.

"What would your name be?" she has a slight accent, I just can't tell what it is. She blushes a light pink. I can't tell if my gaydar's off but it is rarely wrong.

"Maleah. My mom's favorite character in a book her mother read to her everynight since she was young." I trail off. "She died like an hour before I was born so there's the origin." I rn my fingers through my hair and staind up straight.

"Did you change? You were wearing a red shirt earlier." she looks me over trying to remember.

"Oh, yeah.. I wasn't feeling the other one too much. I borrowed it from a friend. He shouldn't mind." I shrug and fix my shirt so she can read it. I don't even know what's on it. She smiles. I get lost in her smile.

"Oh wow! I love that band! I am going to see them this summer, but I have no one to go with. My aunt got me 4 tickets and so far, I'm the only one going." I look down to see it's an 'In This Moment' shirt. I flip!

"OMG! I would kill to go to that concert!! I was supposed to go around 2 years ago and I got moved." I hope she didnt' notice what I had just said. She digs in her wallet.

She pulls out a ticket and hands it to me. "No need for homicide! Just take a ticket. Maybe we'll go together. I would like that a lot." She hints off.

"Then it's a date!" I smirk. "Save those 2 other tickets for friends. Or we could set friends up. I have this friend of mine named Blaine. He's single and fiercly attractive! You know anyone?" I look around looking for Blaine... no luck.

"I actually sold the other two to some of my moms friends. They payed four times the origin price for all 4 of the tickets... per ticket." she flashes the money out of her purse. Damn..

"Okay, then it's just you and me!" I pop up and down on my heels. She giggles.

"Guess so." she walks away from me and I realize we are in the same 3rd period class. I sit next to her and we continue to look at eachother while the teacher babbles on and on about a book we were supposed to read, that none of us read. I now know who I'm going to spend the night with after that party. As I think about it I lightly blush and she does the same, without even knowing what I'm blushing about. 

--Ok, are the chapters too long? too short? not enough action? tell me what you think! <3--

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2014 ⏰

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