Part 7

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After exhanging some books in and out of my locker for my first class, I notice my friends are standing right behind me. I slowly shut my locker as I turned to them confused. They all seem mad at me.

"Hi?" I lean against my locker waiting for the questions to flood the air.

"What the hell?! You leave school Friday without even talking to us and then you go all weekend doing the same!" Kendra says with her gray eyes staring straight at me.

Mackenzie looks me over. "What did you do this weekend?" I can tell she wants to take the tension off. She's blonde with blue eyes and she's skinny with hips and an ass. She is definitely not flat chested. She was new not too long ago and she found her way around pretty well. Mackenzie is the only one in my group of friends who know my sexuality.

"It was boring, a lot of sleep and I spent most of it with Saphire anyway." I say lying. I don't look her in the eye. I pray she doesn't notice.

"Oh cool. She's such a cutie." She realizes I was lying and hits my arm. "Now that its just us walking together what really happened?" She stops and stands square to me.

"I met a couple of girls and did stupid shit. What's new?" I say acting cocky. She gets suspicious. I know what she wants to ask? "What did you do? We can discuss the girls at lunch." She read my mind.

"Well I hooked up with a close friend but we both agreed it meant nothing." We begin walking again. "I still am single. No strings attached." We laugh it off and walk into class.

Class is the same. Damn algebra. Our teacher gives us a lecture on how stupid we are and teaches us a lesson and we get to do shit out of the text. I work alone and keep to myself in first period. Me and Mackenzie make eye contact multiple times but then the annoying bitch who sits behind me starts talking and I am fucked. When she starts she doesn't stop.

When first period is over I chill at my locker talking to Dana. She's short with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. I really hate second period and I usually roam around before she notices I'm not there. I walk past the classroom of some friends and glare at the people I hate to make them remember how much I honestly can't stand them. I decide on skipping class and going down to the bandroom.

It's vacant so I take out one of the school's flute's and start playing. It sounds something like a bird. I don't know where I learned the song I just knew it.

When I finish I walk over to the piano and run my fingers along it. One of my old best friends taught me songs when we were younger. We were best friends for 5 years. Then one day, her brother tried to get it in and she took his side and kind of just left me hanging. We rarely talk. Her family still calls me their daughter. I can tell it gets on her nerves.

"You're getting pretty good, Maleah." I hear a high pitched voice calling from behind me. I turn around to see who it is. I see it's my 6th grade band teacher. She transferred to the High School a little while ago.

"Thanks. I haven't played in a while. I don't remember the ending." She walks towards the piano and sits on the bench next to me.

She shows me the ending and I mimick her. "Shouldn't you be in class anyhow? You're second class grades are slipping." She says in a motherly tone. I smile.

"I don't get it. Cells and body parts.. Why do I need to know it?" I stick my hands under my legs as she plays. She giggles at the childishness.

"Well incase you ever don't feel good, I suppose. But, I know you need to get up there." I sigh and hug her.

"I "suppose" you're right." I copy her tone. I begin to walk to class and the piano fades away and back into reality I go.

I see Annabelle trying to figure out classes. Silently, I walk up behind her and wrap my hands around her waist nuzzling my face into her neck. She turns around in shock not knowing who it was. She smells like sex... not legit sex but as good as sex feels.

"Oh, hi. I need to get to Geography with Ms. Thomas. Where the hell is it?!" She sounds annoyed.

I take her books out of her hands and take her schedule. I write her a late pass. (I make my own a lot.) I take her to her locker. She just follows looking around. I put her shit in her locker and take out her Social Studies books and walk her to the door she kisses my cheek in thanks. I realize that I am a slut... I like one person and they'll never like me back. So, I give up silently.

I just stand at my locker and roam the halls until it's softball practice. Our third baseman, Ellie, walks up to me with a group of girls. They're all on the team. We walk to the locker room to get changed.

We see a lot of the freshman and sophmores. Suprisingly there is few Juniors who play softball in our school. So, we just stuck them on Varsity with us Seniors. I see a couple of really cute Sophmores. They're all apparantly really hard working so they have nice legs. I'm a creep, I'm well aware. I check one out. She's the JV's first baseman so I could give her some pointers later. She notices so I just bite my lip and continue walking to my athletic locker.

"I saw you checking out Keegan. The JV's first baseman." Says Ellie as she bends down to slip her jeans off. I just snarl and change from a bra to a sports bra. I put on an old practice shirt and sliders so no one see's my cuts. I throw on Nike shorts and cleats. All of us walk to the fields with our bags.

"Ok guys, two laps and then warm ups." I yell starting to jog the track. I would say more but I just wanna get to Annabelle.

I hear some complaining and make it three. I see Keegan catching up and I totally eye fuck her... She blushes and sprints her last lap. We do the warmups and do field drills. we all stand at our positions behind the Jv team to watch what they do wrong.

"You're flexible, so you don't always have to leave the bag to get the ball. Just do your stance and when the ball is hit or thrown decide then." She realizes I'm right and practice goes quickly.

When we finish up and we're all getting drinks and waiting for me to dismiss us I see Keegan walk up to me.

"Thanks for all of your help. I really owe you. I could've lost first." she twirls her hair. I put my shit in my bag as she talks and then hand her my phone, put your number in and we'll call it even, I flirt.

She does as I say and I check her out again. I realize that this could kill my chances with Annabelle but if I'm going to move anyway might as well strenghthen my ego! I wait until she's done and put my phone in my sweatpants pocket.

"Do you have a ride, or could I give you one? I mean I have no plans and I'm not taking anyone home." she checks her phone and I guess she got a text saying she needs to ask around for a ride because she just nods. I take her bag from her and walk towards my car and dismiss practice. I pop the trunk and slide our bags in. I grab her waist and lead her to the passanger side door. I open it like a chauffer and she giggles and she gets in.

I walk around and start the car. She turns on the music and I am anxious to see what she plays. I listen for a bit and realize it's not too far off of what I listen to. My music is a bit more harsh but I like hers. For me, knowing someone's music taste is important. I don't know why but it just is. Maybe so I know whether or not we have things in common.

She instructs me on where to take her. I do as she says and pull into a pretty big house. She says her thanks and I get out to give her the bag. I wait until she is inside until I pull out and recieve a call from Kendra saying that the girls are gathered at Toby's house. Toby is Ashley's boyfriend since like 3rd grade. They're inseperable.

I also get a text from Annabelle saying she's staying at school late for some stupid reason she didn't tell me about. I get pissed off and head to Toby's.

"What do you wanna watch?" the girls say as they lay movies out in front of me when I walk into the living room. I choose a scary movie. They make popcorn and sprawl out all over the living room. Mackenzie and I take up the couch, my head on one end her head on the other. Kendra Is on the love seat, Ashley and Toby on the recliner, and Natalie and Toby's sister Brittany lay on the floor.

The movie lasts for forever without a text, from anyone. I just roll my eyes and feel as the other girls scoot towards me and Toby, knowing we don't get scared of this kind of bullshit. I don't think either of us mind.

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