Take Me Home

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Jace awoke just before dawn to find an empty spot next to him, he shot up and scanned the room, panic rising through his body. No, no, no please don't be gone, please don't take her away from me again. "Clary?" he called out; desperation clear in his voice. "Yeah?" she had come from the balcony; she was wearing a thin bedsheet and her hair was tied up in a messy bun. Before she could say another word, Jace had grabbed her and pulled her against him, her sheet had come undone in the process and now covered them both like a blanket. He clung to her and she could feel his hands shaking and his rapid breaths against her chest. "Hey, it's okay, it's okay I'm right here," she whispered as she ran her fingers through his hair. "I thought, for a moment, that you... that you were gone." He had choked the words out and Clary felt a tightening in her chest, she hated seeing him upset, it made her want to throw her arms around him and shield him from the rest of the world. Sometimes Clary forgot how vulnerable Jace could be, how untrusting he was of the world around him and she didn't blame him. He had been through so much and it still amazed her how he had held it all together. To everyone else, he was Jace Herondale, the best Shadowhunter of his generation, but that was all he was to them, no one knew him, not as Clary did. "I'm not going anywhere, okay? I'm staying right here, with you," she said in a soft voice. Jace had his head rested just below her neck, she lifted it to kiss him, her fiery red hair had loosened from its bun now and it fell around them like a curtain. It was a gentle kiss, her hands had found their way to the back of his neck and his were at her hips, steadying her as he brought them down back into the bed.

When Clary woke up, it was noon and sunlight was pouring through the window. She was snuggled up against Jace, their legs were interweaved and he had his hand on her waist, holding her close. She looked up at him, he was still asleep and he had a faint smile on his face that made Clary's heart melt. Even with his tousled hair he still looked perfect to her; she brought her finger up to trace the lines of his face. She liked the way his stubble felt against her skin and she lifted herself to kiss him, starting from his neck till she reached his lips. He stirred and pulled her closer, "Good morning, beautiful," his eyes were still closed but he was grinning. "I do hope you're addressing me here and not yourself," she laughed. His eyes opened and he brought her into his lap, "You know I'm talking about you, and only you," he said quietly as he gazed up at her. She smiled again before raising herself from the bed, "Right, time to get up I'm starving." She picked up his t-shirt that was lying among the pile of their discarded clothes and placed it over herself. It was too big and it looked like a dress on her, which Jace found adorable. "Can't we just stay here," he said lazily, catching her arm and pulling her toward him. "We could, but then I would get hangry and you know how I get when I'm hangry." He chuckled "Alright fine," he said loosening his grip, "But five more minutes," and with that he scooped her back into bed and wrapped his arms around her, planting soft kisses on the back of her neck. 

A little after an hour later, they had both left the bedroom, Clary was perched on the kitchen worktop and Jace was making coffee. She jumped off and put her arms around him from behind, "I was thinking, maybe once we've grabbed something to eat, we should head to the institute. I can't wait to see everyone again." He turned around to look at her, a hint of sadness in his eyes, "If that's what you want." She playfully jabbed him in the chest, "What? Don't want to share me so soon?" He laughed and took her in his arms, "Frankly, no. I just want to be with you for a little longer, before Izzy whisks you off to go shopping." She beamed up at him and he caved, he couldn't help it, "Alright fine, but tell her that in the evening you have plans with me." She eyed him suspiciously, "Do we have plans?" He cupped her face in his hands, "I guess you'll find out later," he replied before giving her a quick peck on the lips and handing her a steaming mug of black coffee. 

They went to this little Italian pizza place that Jace had often seen Clary go to with some of her friends from the Brooklyn Academy of Art. The restaurant was packed, Jace had suggested they try somewhere else but Clary insisted. He had forgotten how stubborn she could be. They ended up in a tight booth that was so crammed, Clary's legs were pressed right up against Jace's. Now and then Clary would put her hand on his thigh under the table and Jace would bat it away. "Clary, we are now in a public place, I get that you can't keep your hands off of me but it was your idea to leave the bedroom." She giggled and threw her pizza crust at him. Afterwards, they made their way to the institute. Clary looked up at the building and her mind went to that heart-breaking night when she left the institute in tears, turning back to see a dilapidated old church in its place. Her hand tightened around Jace's and he kissed her forehead, "We can go home today and come back tomorrow if you want?" He said quietly, but Clary shook her head, tears forming in her eyes, "No, this is our home," she replied before placing her free hand on the door and pushing it open.

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