Her Heart Remembers

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Clary took a step forward, another image appeared behind her eyes, she was standing in a courtyard this time and she was wrapped in his arms, her head against his bare chest, which was covered in swirls that glowed a beautifully brilliant gold. Her body seemed to take over because, by the time the reverie had passed, she had already made her way through the hall toward him and was standing in front of him now. She had gravitated toward him like a magnet not taking her eyes off of him in case he might vanish if she looked away. Even though her mind saw a stranger, her body seemed to recognise him instantly from the way she felt the shivers down her spine when she had first noticed him looking at her. When their eyes had first locked, his widened and he turned his head away from her in an urgent sort of manner that made Clary even more curious as she approached him. Her heart stopped for a moment. Had he been looking at someone else? Was this a horrible mistake? It was too late now, she stood before him as he turned back around to face her. He startled when he saw she was now close enough to touch him.

"Sorry I didn't mean to spook you," she said, her lips curving up at the edges. He was even more beautiful up close, with his long golden eyelashes that brushed softly against his face. "You can see me," he replied with a disbelieving tone. His voice was silk on her skin and her heart began to beat faster; she had heard it before. "Of course, I can see you," she breathed, her eyes were searching his which were looking back at hers incredulously. He broke his gaze then and began to back away quickly toward the doors of the hall. Confused, Clary stood for a moment alone, staring at the back of the man who was about to disappear out of sight. Her mind was racing, Go after him! You know him, deep down you know you do. Everything inside her was screaming to follow him. Once again, her body took over and she was almost running out of the exhibit hall now. He moved fast but she wasn't going to let go that easily, even if her mind didn't remember, her heart did. "Hey!" she shouted as she turned the corner into the alley behind the Academy. "Hey, I'm talking to you," she called out, he had paused now and was turning around slowly to look at her. She moved forward; her eyes met his once again. "Don't I know you, from somewhere," she spoke a little shakily. She could feel her whole body vibrating and her heart pounding against her chest. "No, I don't think so," he was breathing heavily now. "No, I do, I definitely do".

The world seemed to melt away at that moment, Clary was no longer standing in an alleyway but was now in what seemed like a forest; looking up at the man in front of her whose eyes were shimmering gold rings. "Jace, you're okay" she smiled, relief clear on her face. "You're Jace, right?" She was back in the alleyway. Upon hearing his name his eyes began to fill with tears, but he was smiling, a beautiful warm smile that made Clary smile too. His was the kind of smile that you could get lost in. "Yeah, yeah I'm Jace," he said breathlessly. "I'm Clary, um..." she stopped, she had a feeling he already knew that, and she couldn't help but smile even more. Her eyes drifted down to the collar of his shirt and fell upon a thick black line which poked out at the bottom of his neck. Instinctively she reached up to touch him as if she had done it a thousand times before, "What are these tattoos on your neck?" she asked. She had brought her hand up to move the collar away slightly but as soon as her fingers lay upon his skin; she had felt it. A warm electric current that pulsed through her and she jumped slightly when she saw the images flowing behind her eyes as if they were carried on a train whose next stop was her mind. Images of her and him; soaring through the sky on a motorbike, kissing in front of a stained-glass window, dancing in a room filled with twinkling lights, and so much more.

She felt a coolness on her face and realised she had been crying. Her hand was still resting on his collar but she was moving it up now, onto his cheek which he welcomed and pressed his face into, tears now trickling down his face as well. "Clary?" He was looking at her with a worried expression. He had brought his hand up to cover hers, to hold it in place, and Clary could see clearly how much he had yearned for this moment, to feel her touch again, to hear his name come from her lips, to know that she could see him again. Clary couldn't hold back another second, she stepped towards him closing the gap between them and brought her lips to his. Her whole body was singing now as she felt his lips open hers, and Clary thought back to the first time she kissed him, after that she had never wanted anyone else ever again. For a year she refused to even think about being in a relationship, there was no question of it, her heart had closed itself off as if it was waiting for this very moment. The kiss was soft at first but it was growing in intensity with every passing second. Clary had wrapped her hands around the back of his neck and his were now on her waist pressing her against him. Their kisses had always been passionate but this was different, this one screamed I'm so sorry for ever being gone, I love you and I will love you until the day I die, you are the only one for me, there will never be anyone else but you. They finally broke apart but they remained to hold onto each other, she rested her head against his as her bearings returned to her. At this moment everything else seemed to slip away, all that mattered was that Clary was now back in Jace's arms and she was home. "Come with me," she whispered in his ear after a few minutes, as she took his hand and led him out of the alleyway into the night. 

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