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Chenle's been debating with himself whether he should press the doorbell or not for minutes already.

He was supposed to be at his house already because they are already done practicing and it's already 9:00 PM but here he was, still in front of Jisung's house.

Well, he did go back home but he couldn't enter because he left his house key inside. He tried to climb on the fence but he couldn't jump high enough to do it. He thought of staying at a hotel but there's no near hotel at the place, and the only place he can think of was Jisung's house.

I wish that auntie and Jisung will let me stay here for tonight.

He'll just hire someone to open his house tomorrow and probably change the lock into a biometric door lock in case he forgot to bring the keys with him again.

He was about to press the doorbell this time when the gate suddenly opened.

Chenle suddenly froze at his place because of the sudden opening of the gate. He, then, looked at the person who opened it.

It was Jisung.

Chenle smiled, nervously.

"Hi..." He let out a nervous laugh.

Jisung looked at him curiously. Probably asking himself why Chenle's in front of his house.

"Uhmm, I left my keys at home and I can't get in. Can I stay here for tonight?" Chenle asked nervously.

Jisung pressed his lips and nodded slowly.

Chenle, then, entered inside the house.

"Where's auntie?" He asked when he noticed that Jisung's mother wasn't around.

"Emergency," Jisung answered. "She'll be home tomorrow."

"Have you eaten?" Chenle asked, not hiding the fact that he still haven't eaten dinner yet.

Jisung slowly shook his head, "She left early."

"I know how to cook," Chenle volunteered himself. He couldn't just wait here and wait for them to starve. And also, he should help Jisung since he's doing him a favor by letting him stay here for tonight.

Jisung just nodded at Chenle. Good thing that Chenle knows how to cook because he didn't, he was about to order food online before Chenle came.

At the kitchen, Jisung just silently watch Chenle do his cooking while he sat at the chair near the island counter.

He was amazed as he saw Chenle chops the ingredients nicely. He never saw a person cook aside from his mother. The last time that he went to a restaurant was when he was still a kid, before his father died, after that, he isolated himself from everyone.

It disturbed Jisung when he saw the tie of the apron wearing off from Chenle. Jisung stood up from his chair and walked towards Chenle direction.

Chenle froze from his position, pausing himself from cooking. He felt Jisung's arms around his waist. His mind instantly went blank. Why is he doing this?

Jisung's arms around his waist only lasts for a short time as he felt that Jisung only did this to tie his apron properly. But still, after that, it took Chenle a few seconds before he finally redeemed himself. Nonetheless, his heart was still beating fast. Chenle's flustered.

He didn't know why but that small thing that Jisung did made him red. He was sure that he was very red, and he was still red.

He didn't know whether he should feel embarrassed or not because he was sure that Jisung saw how red his ears now!

Meanwhile, Jisung who's back at his chair, was clueless why Chenle's blushing.

He only tie the apron properly. Why would he be red?

After the dinner, Chenle's now at the guest room while Jisung's washing the dishes. Jisung lets him borrow some of his clothes.

Chenle's now standing in front of a mirror inside the bathroom, looking at his reflection while wearing Jisung's pajamas.

Am I really this small or he's just big?

Chenle questioned himself. He knows himself that his height was just right but, now, seeing his small reflection on the mirror convinced him the otherwise.

Jisung's pajama was way bigger than him, and the fact that this was Jisung's smallest pajama made him asks himself, 'What if I wear Jisung's normal-sized pajamas?'

Chenle shook his head at this thought as his face turned red again.

No, Chenle. Why are you thinking like that? Do you like Jisung? No, you can't like him. You're his friend!

Chenle tried not to entertain the thoughts playing inside his head as he went out of the bathroom and went straight to the guest room where he'll stay for the night.

JISUNG WOKE UP in the middle of the night from the loud thud that was produced by the thunder.

Why is it raining suddenly? It's just so sunny this afternoon and then now it's suddenly raining? What kind of sorcery is this? Jisung wondered.

He, then, grabbed his phone from the nightstand and checked if there were any messages from his mother or from the government about this sudden storm.

From Mom:

I don't know if I can be there tomorrow morning. It's raining so hard tonight and every way will be flooded. I'll try to get home as soon as possible. Take care. Take care of Chenle too.


There's a storm coming inside the country as of 11:47 PM today! And the government declared that the classes of public and private schools from pre-schools to universities inside Seoul is now canceled!

The current signal of the storm as of now is signal 3! Be safe everyone!

Why was this storm was so sudden? He didn't even hear that there's a coming storm from the news— wait, he didn't watch the news, so how would he know?

Jisung, then, stood up from his bed to go downstairs to drink warm water to lessen the coldness he was feeling. He always did this when there's a storm and every winter to keep himself warm and comfortable.

On his way back to his room, he noticed that the door from the guest room was open. Then, he walked towards the direction of the guest room to check if Chenle woke up from the thunder.

He saw Chenle quivering in the bed, body was fully covered with a comforter.

Jisung walked towards the bed, "Hyung..." He called Chenle softly.

"Jisung? Is that you?" Chenle took a peek from the comforter.

Jisung nodded.

"I'm scared of the thunder," Chenle spoke softly, hugging the pillow tightly.

"Why are you awake? Are you scared too?" Chenle asked him worriedly.

Jisung shook his head then smiles. Even if he's scared, he's still worried about Jisung.

Jisung, then, lied in the bed and hugged Chenle.

Chenle froze in his position because of shock from the sudden movement of the younger.

Chenle was about to protest when he felt the younger's hand caressing his back while the other hand was patting his head gently. After a few seconds, the younger started humming a song.

Jisung remembered that when he was young, he's also scared of the thunder and his parents would just keep on patting his head and caressed his back to make him calm and would hum a song to make him go back to sleep.

Now that he's older and was not scared of the thunder, it's now his turn to do this to someone, and that someone was Chenle.

Chenle couldn't help but to hug the younger, too, and let the warm hug and lullaby bring him to dreamland.

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