His slender fingers ran across his bottom lip as they contorted into a smirk, eyes flaring dangerously as his tongue poked out and ran across his pointer finger. His voice soft and airy as he murmured to himself, "Oh, yes, how something bitter can easily be infected with sweetness, making it even more delicious~" 

His arm fell back to his side as he dug in pocket and pulled a red heart shaped lollipop, unwrapping the plastic that enclosed it and placing the treat between his lips. A faint giggled tickling the back of his throat, "Yes, making it sweeter and putting it in a place where it'll have to choose... And if not break."

Pearly white teeth harshly bit into the candy as it loudly emitted a crack and then was slowly reduce to small piece that dissolved on his tongue. Removing the stick from his mouth and dropping it on the ground as an overly exaggerated smile adorned his features as he made his into the sitting area and watched as Tokoyami and Shinso's battle came to an end; Tokoyami's victory. 

      Izuku's emerald orbs stared almost dreamily after Shinso as his figure slowly moved out of the arena, a slight limp in his step as he disappeared from his sight. A faint hum circled his form as he slowly skipped his way towards his purple hair beauty, his fingers locked behind him as he stopped outside the locker room. Slowly opening the door as he peeked in, his evergreen eyes widening as they fell upon a shirtless Shinso. His milky skin exposed and revealing the faint pink tinge of faint scars that ran across his back. A shaky breath left Izuku's lips as he closed his eyes momentarily before slamming the door open, a wide blinding grin on his lips, "Shin-kun!"

The tired teen jumped as he was startled by the energetic boy's entrance, a faint smile curling at his thin lips. Izuku basically danced up to Shinso as he wrapped his arms around the other, giggling as a blush dusted his cheeks, "We gotta talk about out date?! Well, that's if ya wanna go on one with me, do you?"

Shinso's cheeks flared crimson as he wrapped his arms around Izuku, a bashful grin formed on his lips as he lent down a little to hide his face in green curls, murmuring into them, "Yeah, I would like to go out with you, Sweet-tooth."

His slender arms tightened around the taller teen as he squealed, nuzzling into the other as he beamed, "Yay! Okay! So how about we go to a café! A Cat Café! Then we could play with the kitties and eat sweets! Maybe we can go this weekend! Does that sound alright?!"

Shinso gently combed his fingers through pastel green locks, his purple eyes soft as the fluttery feeling of butterflies tickled his insides, causing his up turned lips to widen. His voice soft as he gently breathed in the sweet scent of honey, "Of course, this weekend will be perfect."

. . . . .

Izuku nervously chewed on his thumb as he pace about his room, sweaters strewn across his room varying in many different colours and styles. His brows knitted together as he stopped in his pacing, collecting two sweaters into his hands, one a deep scarlet – the shade of freshly drawn blood – and the other a yellow with pale blue sleeves – like petals encircling a golden sphere of a daisy. With a faint hum he discarded the crimson sweater, slipping on the remaining one and brushing his hands down the soft material that almost tickled his ivory skin. A fond smile gently twitched at his lips as he slipped on a pair of black knee length shorts, steadily making his way over to his basket of ribbons and other hair accessories. Filtering through them before brushing back the locks on the left side of his head to clip a pastel pink bow.

Skipping over to his bed he scooped his purple cat plush into his arms, nuzzling into it as he murmured quietly into the soft creature, "Mr Mittens'... I all most have him. So close to wrapping him up like a treasured piece of candy..."

Izuku breathed in deeply before exhaling shakily, a grin twisting at his lips that was laced with a slight sinister undertone. His emerald eyes dull and murky like an unpolished gem, his tongue running across his bottom lip as a flush painted his cheeks. He felt like a predator, waiting to consume his prey, however, he didn't want kill. He wants to lure and manipulate. He wants him – every part of him – mind and body. All there is to offer.

Firm rapping on his door broke him from his thoughts as the excited gleam returned to his evergreen orbs, a wide toothy grin forming on his rosy lips as he gently put down his plush, patting the top of it's head gently before heading to his door. Izuku swung open the door revealing Kurogiri, who's deep voice coax and relaxed his muscles, "Are you ready for your date and where am I dropping you off?"

"Near the cat café, the one I told you about last night and of course I'm ready Giri~!" A faint giggle passed his lips as he rocked on his feet, a childish aura rating around him as he quickly moved back into his room to grab his wallet, his phone, and grabbed two red lollipops. Sticking one of the sweet treats between his lips as he hummed as the overpowering taste of artificial strawberry exploded across his taste buds.

The dark swirling mist engulfed his body as he was dropped into an alley way, eyes flashing with a questioning excitement as he dropped the untouched crimson sweet onto the ground, but not before activating his quirk. A pink aura surrounding the candy as it slowly fell to the ground, its form changing as a ruby liquid along with a lump of meat hit the dirty ground of the alley. Izuku skipped out of the dark depths of the valley to the blinding light as he murmured to himself, "Such a sweet time to begin the maddening descent~" 

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