Chapter II: Bonding

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Its been hours since the crime was seen. The police are standing outside the school building with the whole faculty while the students are still inside the classrooms waiting to be dismissed.

And as a student would do, you cant stop your feelings of being bored. Who wouldnt be bored inside the classroom if you cant do nothing for the past hour? Ofcourse, every student minds they're own business.

Another hour have passed, finally, the teachers came back but they said a rule.

"Okay students, we know its lunch time and the whole faculty agreed that we will be sending you all to your homes... but before you all get excited, dont even dare to go out from your houses. You will never know if the killer is close to you or not. Now, CLASS DISMISSED"

After that announcement, the students are being sent home safety. But soobin have something in mind, he wants to be with his yeonjun hyung a little bit longer so while they were walking he took the chance to ask yeonjun.

"Hyung can i ask you something?"
"Your already asking soobin"
"Well, wanna stay at my house?"
"Oh i would love too"
"Yay! We were going to have a fun time" soobin excitedly replied while walking out of the school gates.

When they arrived at soobin's house

Soobin entered the key to his home and click, unlocked.

Yeonjun went to the couch while soobin went upstairs to plug his cellphone in his charger. But before he could plug it, someone called him. And thats no other than his friend Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo hyung

Hey soobin, wut you doin?

Oh nothing hyung, im just with...


Come on spill it

Fine! Im with yeonjun hyung

Ooh, someones making a move aye~

Shut up hyung. Anyways is jongin with you?

Yea, he's staying with me for maybe a day or two

Wow okay

Imma try to call jackson hyung and ask if mark hyung is with him

Yea sure see ya

Bye hyung


End call

On the other hand...

Jackson hyung

Yah! Its not fair hyung

Oh its fair yeonjun

No its not!!

Whatever you say, anyways did you and soobin did anything yet?

Wtf hyung nothing

Tell me if you did anyth-


hey im still talking to you-

End call

And with that, yeonjun ended the call. What he didnt know soobin is trying to call jackson but his phone says its busy. You know what i mean.

After that, he plug his phone and changed into something comfortable. When he finished, he pulled a long hoodie and a short that yeonjun can wear. After all they're bestfriends and from there childhood they shared almost everything. Well not everything.

When he came down he saw yeonjun plopped in his couch.

"Hyung here you need to change"
"Thanks binnie"

Yeonjun grabbed the clothes from soobin's hands and ran to soobin's room. Yes he knows the house very well now.

After changing, yeonjun went downstairs where soobin is waiting for him.

When soobin saw yeonjun his jaw almost dropped. A yeonjun on his hoodie looked cute, he just wanted to make yeonjun his and with that i mean only his. He's a kind hearted boy but he can be childish and greedy when it comes to his yeonjun.

Yeonjun went closer to him cutely that almost his heart is going to explode and his face is a blushing mess but yeonjun is to lazy to care anyways.

"Is it okay binnie" yeonjun playfully said but for soobin he thinks he said it seductively.

Soobin unconciously nodded and offered yeonjun to watch a movie with him. But instead of sitting in the couch, yeonjun sitted in soobin's lap which made soobin a blushing mess.


Hey guys, i just wanna ask if you preffer top soobin or top yeonjun
Just asking okay? Comment it and dont forget to leave a vote bye~

-author foxy

My bestfriend is a yandere   ⬜yeonbin⬜Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz