Chapter 1: The Encounter

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Every day when Anabelle wakes at the crack of dawn, she follows the same procedure. Record data from the gate from which happened overnight, inform Solomon of her findings, and hoping that some kind of miracle would happen. Little did Anabelle know that she was about to get in expected visit.

Bring, bring, bring. Anabelle's alarm always goes of at 6am, even on the weekends. After all, she has her own obligations to fulfill. Anabelle rolled over on her side, pulling the pillow from her head, and chucking it at the alarm clock. Anabelle groaned and rolled out of her bed, and stretched her arms above her head.

"Time to get up, I suppose." Anabelle stood up from her bed and trudged over to her balcony. She gazed out at the rising sun. Will I ever get a taste of adventure. What does it mean to have fun? Anabelle questioned her very way of life. Ever since she was a young girl, everyone always expected her to be someone, to be someone to accomplish more than anyone else. Sure, she did have friends, but they always needed something from her. The only person who knew how she truly felt was Solomon. To her, he was the only person whom she truly considered a friend.

12 years ago, Anabelle was introduced to a world of knowledge and discovery. In a short amount of time, Anabelle had developed entire new ways of thinking with the knowledge she possessed. She was the key to the countless numbers of new technologies. Anabelle sighed and turned towards her bedroom door. With one last look at the rising sun, she stepped from her bedroom and turned the corner to her closet. While rummaging through some clothes, she decided on a pair of jeans with a black belt, and a red crop top. She then slipped on a white and gray flannel and trudged out the door. Turning left, she came to a panel in the wall with a switch in the center of it. Anabelle pulled the switch back and to the left. A hand scanner was revealed, and she pressed her hand to it. A voice echoed throughout the hallway,

"Welcome Ms. Anabelle." The hand scanner was pulled back, and an automatic door was revealed. That door slid to the left and another room opened up.

"Ms. Anabelle, you have one message from Dr. Solomon. Would you like to hear it?"

"Yes." Came Anabelle's reply.

"Good morning, Anabelle!" Came Solomon's voice, "I hope you've been fairing well. I realize I haven't contacted you in a while, but you may want to heart this. I've recently made a breakthrough regarding the gate. I've been tracking its whereabouts, and I've tracked it to the town you've been staying in. I'm estimating it should appear between 8th and 20th street. If it should appear, let me know what you find. I've already sent you the data. Thanks a bunch, Anabelle. Stay safe, and good luck." Anabelle shook her head, and thought, well, he's certainly on top of things. But I do appreciate all the work he's been doing, none the less.

Anabelle turned to her computer and clicked on the shared link that Solomon had sent her. It opened a map of the city which showed the energy signature of the gate. Solomon was right on point. It was her city all right. Now, all Anabelle had to do was grab her lab coat and head to the estimated point of intersection. She was about to leave her lab when she realized something. They had absolutely no idea of what the gate could do! Anabelle took two steps backwards and grabbed a bracelet. This was a device invented by Anabelle. It leads to what she designates the "Quantum Folder." A device which opens a "pocket", and can store many different items, and other necessary tools. This device is voice activated, so it only responds to Anabelle's voice.

Anabelle knew she would be questioned for what she was doing, so on her way out, she grabbed her lab coat, and her ID badge. That ID badge was of extreme importance, it granted her access to almost every government facility. Anabelle then grabbed her labcoat and laptop, and raced to her garage. She hopped into the car and took off. Anabelle had estimated the point of intersection would be somewhere on 18th Street, but it was all in speculation.

As soon as Anabelle reached her destination, a gaping hole opened in the Northern sky. Anabelle gasped in amazement.

"So, this is the gate?" Suddenly, a spiral of light came barreling towards her. She quickly called out, "Quantum Folder, activate." A light flared above her bracelet, and once again she called out, " Quantum Folder, send me Shield Number 2!" A small device dropped from the light, and into her waiting hand. Anabelle pressed a button, and a spring of blue energy erupted from the device, and it spread out in front of her.

Anabelle looked up into the gate and gasped. She could clearly see something in the oncoming light. It was an island surrounded by crystal blue water. As she looked closer, she could see a castle on the furthest point of the island. It was truly a majestic sight to behold. Just as Anabelle was about to inform Solomon about her discovery, she noticed something off about the gate, something was getting bigger! As it grew bigger, Anabelle realized something, "It's not getting bigger, it's coming closer!" In a panic, Anabelle was about to call Solomon for backup, when she noticed something purple coming from the light, and it was coming straight for her!

Anabelle took a step back, slightly worried. But that was when it happened, the purple blur crashes right on top of Anabelle. As she fell backwards, her head crashed onto the ground. Luckily, she wasn't gravely injured, but her head did hurt. Ana Elle gripped her head and gasped out,

"What the hell was that?" As she sat up, Anabelle noticed something, there was something preventing her from doing so. Anabelle opened her eyes, and there it was, a man with long purple hair, clad in white robes, and covered in jewelry.

"Who are you?"

The purple haired man staggered to his feet, and offered a hand to Anabelle. To which she gladly took. As he hauled her up, he spoke,

"Who me? I'm Sinbad."


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