Brutally Honest ACT I

Start from the beginning

A software made by Uni that started on the boy's phone until Uni finally decided to join STEM and be able to get the materials to make the software a robot. People love Dawn for his friendly nature and positive attitude even though he is silent for a lot of the time

Delinquent kid that people actually kinda like. He isn't home often and is seen hanging around downtown smoking, playing his guitar, and getting into trouble. He doesn't have a stable relationship with his parents, and everything he does is for attention because of the neglect he's received as a kid

Kid that teases everyone and sometimes hurts them and doesn't realize it. Jon doesn't like him because Cory finds it easy to pick on him. Neither does Tommy. Later in the story they make up, though. (Cory works in retail)
Is in broadcasting

Brad and Chad:
Meathead jocks that project their feelings and are extremely closeted because of homophobic parents (B and C are best bros, NOT BROTHERS!! I WANNA MAKE THAT CLLLEEAAAARRR)
- Boiling pots of testosterone and toxic masculinity
**note from present me: that sentence doesn't make much sense, but you get the point. There's a lot of cringe coming your way, fam. Sorry again

Gossip girl and popular girl every boy and maybe girl in the school love despite her being a total snake

Gold digger popular girl that loves gloating and flexing on all them haters with her parents' money

Loud gossip girl who is overly extroverted

"Shy" quiet girl who acts all sweet and kind but is a demon in disguise and will double cross you the moment she benefits

- We open up with the final week of summer. Don is in his backyard petting his chicken and watching his neighbor's flying model rockets shoot off into the sky. His brother (Tomo) comes out and asks what he's going to do for his senior year since he's such a nobody and he teases him. They talk more until Tomo leaves once Don throws his coke bottle at him. Don then sings "Flying Model Rockets"
Flying Model Rockets - tfb [Beginning song where Don is chilling in his backyard as summer is coming to an end — him contemplating what he'll do for his senior year since he won't be back ever]

School starts on Wednesday the 14th of August
- Don starts his day singing "The Plan (the f*ck jobs)"[more info on song list] and introduces our cast
The plan (the f(ri)ck jobs) [Don getting ready for school on the first day, the song continuing through his early periods. Cut it off halfway through]

- Don introduces everyone else to us during lunch. Then Duni, a new (as of last year and never went out into the courtyard to know that Don existed) and friendly kid, comes up and talks with Don. They get along fine, but Don is extremely uncomfortable throughout the entire exchange

- The rest of the day continues and, unfortunately for Don, it turns out that his English teacher is Mr. Thompson(mention how he's from New York and even has a bit of a Jersey accent to prove it). Brad and Chad start making a commotion, riling up the rest of the class, and Don sinks down in his seat and grumbles how this is so stupid and you don't even use English other than when speaking. Mr. Thompson hears this and asks what Don wants to be when he grows up, and Don hesitates for a real long time until Mr. Thompson pressures him more, which Don eventually replies that he likes science (Mr. Thompson further asking what field and Don clarifies biology) but doesn't know what he'll be when he grows up. Mr. Thompson gives a smug laugh and says that you have to do a lot of reading and writing in science, and Don gives up trying to prove English is stupid because he's too embarrassed. He doesn't like Mr. Thompson.

- Jon flashes back to third period to reuniting with his best friend after having been away from California to go on a summer retreat in Australia. Then he enters Drama and sees his friend again and is ecstatic he has his friend in more than one of his periods. He thinks to himself that today is going to be a good year. Then cut to Don entering Drama and contradict that on his end
- Don wants to end himself when he sees Dousie, Julie, Marissa, and Stacy in his class

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