Ch. 1 - Changes (Part 1)

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A few months after the fateful event of the solar flares, things went mostly back to normal for most people, except the new eight extraordinary boys of Korea. Turns out that eight kids in every country had developed certain powers as well. 

The news about them were floating all over Korea. These kids were now celebrities, the amazing brothers of Ilsan. The psychic one and the fire breathing one. Then the two boys of Daegu, the electric boy, and the shadow, as they would call him. The two wonder boys of Busan, the metal boy, and diamond kid. And the last two, the one that was able to create anything he wanted, and the one with clones. 

Everyone was raving about them, but soon the government got their eyes on them. And more the news spread about them, the government more the government became interested in those kids. As a few months had passed by, they had a plan on how to extract all of the kids from their homes. 

-December 2007- 

- Kim Namjoon and Kim Y/N - Ages: 11 and 7 - Location: Ilsan - Powers: Controlling objects, and Fire breathing 

The boys were playing inside with the curtain shut, and windows covered. Since the news of her kids having powers, the press has been at her house non stop. They even had to stop going to school. It was a dark, rainy December night when there was knock on the door, Namjoon being more aware than his brother knew what was going on. Using his IQ quirk that he kept quiet about, knew that the government would come for them at some point. He quickly got up and took a sip of water, quickly doubling his IQ. 

He then rushed to his brother "Listen, the government is going to take us, do not mention anything about my knowledge or about the skin thing about we just found out okay ?" Namjoon explained in a stern voice. 

Y/N nodded fearfully, as he saw the tall guys in black coming to see them. He could hear his mom crying in the room next to them. "Well kids, we have made  a special school for you guys so we can exercise your powers, isn't that cool ?" The man spoke in a fake excited tone. 

Namjoon just nodded emotionlessly, and Y/N just nodded fearfully. Before they left they hugged their mom one last time, not knowing it would be the last time in their lives they'd be seeing their mother. "I love you kids, you guys have been the biggest blessing of my life" She cried as she hugged them tightly. "We love you more than anything" They both said in unison, also crying, holding on tightly to their mother 

"Joon, please do whatever it takes to protect Y/N" She whispered into Namjoon's ear, and he nodded before being pulled away from their mother. They were brought into a black, windowless van. Namjoon held onto Y/N's tightly, trying his best to provide some sort of comfort for his little brother. 

-Kim Taehyung - Min Yoongi - Ages:  10 and 13 - Location: Daegu - Powers: Electricity, and camouflage

 As the same time the van had arrived at Y/N's and Namjoon's place, another van was arriving at Taehyung's house. Taehyung and Yoongi's mothers had both received a letter telling them to be at Taehyung's house at that date and time. They had no idea if it was true, but they both agreed since it looked like it was important. 

Taehyung and Yoongi where in Taehyung's room as they waited. Yoongi was more a moody teenager so he was hiding in the shadow under Taehyung's bed. "What do you think the government wants with us?" Yoongi asked Taehyung who was sitting next to the bed 

"Maybe they'll train us to become superheroes ! Like the Avengers !" Taehyung said smiling as his eyes started to light up with excitement. "Calm down human taser, they'll probably want to experiment on us to figure out our powers" Yoongi explained, when they heard the knock on the front door. "Fuck" Yoongi growled. He didn't want to admit, but he was scared. He didn't want to leave, he should have a choice. He was going to put a fight "You want to fight them?" Yoongi whispered "They are no good" Yoongi added, trying to convince the little boy to fight alonside him. 

Taehyung was scared after what Yoongi said to him, so he just nodded in agreement. As soon as the men in black walked into the room Taehyung's eyes glowed  bright yellow, and expanded his hand sending out a lightning bolt, electrocuting the men

Yoongi chuckled "That was cool human taser, let's go" he whispered as he moved to the other side of the bed, and jumped into the suit of the knocked out guys "Shouldn't have wore black...dumbass" Yoongi chuckled as he made the unconscious body get up "Follow me" Yoongi explained, and Taehyung followed behind, only to see there were other men holding their mothers hostage "Now kids you can either make this easy or hard, you choose" The older man said smirking. 

Yoongi growled, he had no choice now. He jumped out of suit, and flipped the guy off "Then let's go to the van" Yoongi said bitterly, as Taehyung followed behind him 

"Good boys, now say your goodbyes" The man smirked 

Yoongi walked up to his mom and hugged her "I will get revenge if anything happens to you, I love you Eomma" He whispered as he tried to hold back his tears "I love you too my son" She cried as he hugged Yoongi tightly 

Taehyung on the other hand ran towards his mom, and began to cry "E-Eomma I don't want to go" He said shaking his head, tears streaming down his face "Shhh, just be strong for Eomma okay. I know no matter what happens I will always be proud of you my sweet angel" She began to cry and hugged Taehyung tightly. 

They were all hugging before the kids were pulled away from them. This time the kids knew they were not going to see their parents again. They were sure of it, and they were ready to fight. 

----- Timeskip ----- 

Two black vans approached what a base in an undisclosed location in the middle of nowhere. Preparations had been made for the kinds. The kids were all blindfolded, and one by one taken out of the vans. They could hear birds chirping outside "It looks like it's a foresty area, that'll make it easier to escape and hide" Namjoon mumbled to himself.  They all were brought to their cells which contained eight plain beds. The cell was nothing impressive, it just looked like it was reinforced to be able to take hits. They had taken some precautions, but not enough. 

One by one the kids removed their blindfolds, finally meeting face to face. "And now, we wait for the rest of them, and we plan our escape" Namjoon mumbled, and they all nodded

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