The Lost Princess

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Mei is a 23 years old pretty girl , she is mixed ( British_Japanese )

She lived her whole life with her adapted korean family but in England .

She never thought of her real parents cuz the family she's with are so loving and caring of her as she is one of their own .

She had a cousin ( Jeonghan ) an actual angel ... always protecting her and care for her in all ways possible so technically she was in LOVE with him .

once she was in her way to home .. bad people came and started bothering her , suddenly a man send them of just by his powerful gaze like a tiger .

........: are you akay ?

Mei : yes , thank you ..... but can I see your face ?

........: why not , by the way I'm Hoshi

Mei : nice to meet you Hoshi , I'm Mei

When Hoshi came toward her the light hit his face , she found out that he is so cute like freaking hamster UwU

She went home happy and slept while thinking of that brave guy who defended her without knowing who she is .

next morning she bombed into him , felt happy and surprised at the same time ... she walked with him and talked .

She found out he is her new neighbor 😎

once she heard her loving ( Parents ) talking to someone on the phone , they were negotiating money so they can give her away !

Mei : What the heck ! What should I do !

She went directly to Jeonghan , told him everything she just heard while crying , she was so scared and thoughts he were safe at Jeonghan's custody !

He comforted he , Fed her then she felt dizzy ... he asked what did he do to her

Jeonghan : you think that we endured raising you for nothing !

Mei : I trusted you , I actually Love you

Jeonghan : bullshit , and if you do I DONT

( grapes his phone ) I have her you idiots

Mei gose unconscious 😢

a while after she wakes up .. she remembered her phone , called Hoshi while crying , she told him everything happened and where she is ... he promised to rescue her so she had some hope .

The next day at evening she heard some cracking voice comes from the window ... it was Hoshi trying to break in

He succeeded and took her far away

Mei : how did you do that ?

Hoshi : I'll tell you later , now you have to throw this phone away ... and tomorrow we will travel to Japan

Mei: why ?

Hoshi : so you meet your mother , the real one

Mei: what are you saying ! Who are you ????

Hoshi : listen to me , it's eather you trust me and stay safe or don't and I assure you you won't live till tomorrow ... so what is it

Mei : I guess I don't have a better choice but to trust you

The following day everything was already organized for Mei to leave London , her tears held too much pain that no words can explain ... it's her home !

On their way Hoshi told her the story behind all this mess !

Hoshi : long time ago the emperor ( Naroheto ) heard about an old man claims that there is an antidote which gives who drink it an endless power plus immortality

The ( Yakuza's ) boss heard about it and went searching for it .. the emperor took that old man and hid him then asked his own son to leave the country with his family which was you and your mother

Your mother is British this is why you look like this .. unfortunately yakuza's men knew about your family

They killed your father and thought that they killed your mom too but she survived , they took you because to complete the magic you have to add a royal blood .

You are a princess and you were in their hands so they raised you until they found that antidote .. now its time to kill you and that Jeonghan to be an immortal devil !

He is the son of the boss so it's obvious that he'll take it .

Mei was so shocked , she is a princess ? and already in danger! Her life was a lie after all these years !

They arrived to Japan and met her family , after she heard all the stories about her father and mother she swore to revenge for her own self before others

She trained for months then she heard that Jeonghan came to Japan searching for her , this is the golden chance !

She surprised him and his group of fighters along with Hoshi and others , then she took the antidote , crashed it of the floor so no one ever do as Jeonghan and his father did .

Emperor ( Naroheto ) decided to crown her as a princess officially in front of the world 👑

Hoshi : congratulations my princess

Mei : you're Korean so I'm not

Hoshi : actually you are the princess of my heart

Mei : UwU Hoshi did you just confessed ?

Hoshi : yeah , Will you marry me ?

Mei : awww that's so not the right time to do this incorrect action

Hoshi : I know , isn't INCORRECT things suits us

Mei : yeah I guess incorrect things are my speciality

And they lived happily ever after

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