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"Alex," a frantic voice comes from outside the room. "Where is Alex? Where is my baby?" My heart breaks at the sound of her voice, she sounded absolutely distraught.

It had been hours since the doctor told me about his diagnosis, I immediately came to his room to tell him not to die on me, that I couldn't stand the thought of him dying, but when I arrived he was fast asleep and I didn't have the heart to disturb him so I sank down into the chair beside him and cried my eyes out for hours.

This boy that I barely even knew yet he seemed to have totally rocked my world. Alex was something that I couldn't describe, he was what made me want to get out there, to be adventurous and not live by boundaries.

I look up to see what I'm guessing was his mom, burst through the door to his room, they had shut it so he could get rest. She doesn't even notice me as she rushed to Alex's side and grabs his hand. He was still asleep so he didn't notice his mom there. I watch as tears flow down her cheeks and she stares down at him. I knew what she was going through, how her heart was breaking at the sight of someone she loved so weak, unable to do anything for himself.

"Who are you?" I'm guessing the guy who was staring at me was his dad. His question gets the attention of his mom and she looks over at me.

"I'm Alex's roommate," I tell them.

"What are you doing here, shouldn't you be on campus?" I'm not sure if he meant for his words to come out harsh but they did.

"No, I told my teachers what were going on and they exempted me from classes until further notice."

His eyebrows go up, "so you're more than just a roommate."

I shrug my shoulders, "I'm not sure, it's up to Alex, but for right now I'm just here for him as a friend."

He nods his head, I couldn't tell if he approved of my answer but he didn't show any other attempts to get to know me.

"Well we appreciate it," his mother pipes up.

I give her a smile. It was important for us to get along since the road we're about to be on is going to be a long and hard one. I just hope Alex is strong enough for it.

"Alex," of course of all the people that had to show up next it had to be him. I force a smile as I watch Ethan rush into the room. His parents look extremely shocked at his presence and I have to guess that they know all about what he did to Alex.

"What are you doing here?" Now I know he meant for those words to come out harsh.

Ethan seems to notice his parents were in the room also and he takes a step back. He looked like he was collecting his pieces before he answered the question.

"I won't repeat myself," his dad gives Ethan a death stare.

"I'm here because I heard about Alex."

His parents look over at me and I shake my head. I did not tell Ethan anything so it had to be someone else, possibly someone that saw us before we came here.

"Okay and what is it to you?"

"I don't know, I was just wanting to see if he was okay."

"He is no thanks to you, now get out."

"Look I'm sorry for hurting your son, it was not my attention..."

"I don't care if it was your intention or not, you are not welcome anywhere near Alex, now get out or I will have security throw you out."

Ethan looks like he's been punched in the gut as he turns around and walks out of the room. He nearly runs over doctor as he leaves.

"May I speak to you outside?" He addresses them, I watch as they leave and he closes the door behind them.

I can't help but watch as he starts talking to them, wondering what kind of news he was delivering to them.

His moan catches my attention and I rush to his side.

"Alex," I'm careful not to be to loud.

His eyes move behind his eyelids, telling me there was life still in him. I watch them slowly flutter open and there he was staring back up at me.

"Austin," his voice sounded surprised.

"Yes, it's me."

He tries to prop himself up on his elbows and I gently push him back down on the pillows. "No, don't move, you're not strong enough yet."

He looks  at me with a confused expression. "What do you mean?"

I look at him, feeling absolutely terrible at what he doesn't know. I want to tell him but it's not my place plus I don't want to be the one to tell him he could possibly die soon.

He doesn't have time to ask me again as the door opens and his parents come back in. They look at me and the Alex, I could tell that they were asking me if I had said anything and I shake my head answering their question. His mom looks at him and I could see the tears start to form in the corner of his eyes and that's when I knew what the doctor had told them.

I get up and leave the room, leaving them to tell Alex and also to allow myself break down again without Alex seeing. Closing the door behind me, I move in front of the window to his room and watch as they tell him. I start crying as I watch him look at them both and then start shaking. He grabs ahold of his mom and I can tell that his heart was breaking. I watch as his dad holds them both as they all cry together.

This road that Alex was getting ready to go on was going to be a lot more tough. Not only did Alex have Leukaemia but he wasn't likely to live through the chemotherapy, that it would get to the point where nothing could stop it. I don't know how many months he had left to live.

Alex was going to die....

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