optional chapter six

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this chapter is completely optional and does not need to be read at all, it has nothing that adds to the overall story plot. it is basically just pwp. please enjoy!

- warnings: overstimulation, pet names, fingering, unprotected sex, slight dom/ sub themes.


Loud upbeat music blasted through the hall. People danced with reckless abandon, laughed loudly and shared beloved stories with strangers; the two families and all their loved ones felt like one.

Seonghwa, San and James were in the centre of the dance floor, a circle had formed around them as they perfectly danced along to Dalla Dalla; it was the most unlikely combination of people dancing to the most unlikely song, and you were so glad you were recording the entire thing.

Just as the song ended you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned to see Jongho holding a very upset looking Yuna, "Mum's completely wasted, and I can't get her to stop crying, please help,"

Before you had a chance to stay anything Yuna was reaching for you, her tiny hands grabbing in your direction, "Hey sweetie come here," she clung onto you as tightly as she could and cried, "It's too loud for her, go grab her stuff and meet me on the back table," he nodded before turning and heading for his mum.

You walked down the long line of tables, the sound was still loud but nowhere near as bad. When you reached the end of the long table Yuna had loosened her grip on you, her crying had softened slightly. You sat down at the table, placing your phone down before gently bouncing Yuna, using your free hand to rub her back soothingly.

Jongho came over with her baby bag, "You should have been her sibling, you're better at this than me,"

"Nah, she needs you to scare off all her romantic interests when she's older,"

He sat down next to you and furrowed his brow, "Bold of you to assume she's going to be allowed out the house. If she gets my good looks she'll have hoards chasing after her," you rolled your eyes at him and reached for her bag.

You found a couple of jars of chocolate pudding in and amongst the less appealing baby food, and once Yuna saw food she stopped sobbing. While you put her bib around her Jongho opened up the jar for you.

Seonghwa and San approached your table as you began feeding her, the smiley duo were laughing loudly, "There you are!" Seonghwa came around the table and kissed your cheek before sitting next to you, a leg on either side of the bench, "I was just telling San about the time you walked into that huge spider's web when we all went camping,"

Jongho joined in on the laughter, "Oh my god she started karate chopping the air trying to get the webs off of her,"

"Ha ha, very funny coming from the guy who cried when he got drunk because he couldn't break a bowling ball in half," San clapped loudly and threw his head back with laughter.

Jongho's ears turned pink, "I almost broke my hand, it's not my proudest moment,"

You felt Seonghwa shuffle forward, one of his hands resting on your stomach, the other joining yours that was wrapped around Yuna, "Hey beautiful,"

You fed Yuna another spoon of pudding, "Why're you being so happy?"

He shrugged and rested his chin on your shoulder, "Because you make me happy," You glanced at San and Jongho, who were deep in a conversation about Jongho's acting career and weren't paying attention to you.

"Who are you and what have you done with the brooding, mysterious Seonghwa?" Yuna pushed the spoon away when you tried to give her more.

"He's had a change of heart," You carefully wiped Yuna's hands and face with a baby wipe. "Aaand maybe he likes seeing you acting so motherly,"

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