Magical? -Requested-

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A/N: request for @jedalia07. Sorry it took so long.

Running through the woods as fast as I could, everything started to become a blur. I decided to go to one party with a few friends, and ended up being drugged and thrown into a car. I have cuts and bite marks all over my body. It looked like a pack of wolves torn into me, but was interrupted.

I'm surprised that I'm even alive and running right now. Most people don't survive wolf attacks. "Wait! I'm not here to hurt you!" I don't bother answering, and I ran faster. I could hear footsteps and when I look behind me for a split second, I trip over a tree root.

I roll down the hill and kept rolling until I hit a tree. At the speed I was going, the impact cracked a few of my ribs. I clutch my side in pain and watch as the tall man approached. "Please don't kill me," I whimper. "I wasn't planning to. Jeez, what did they do?"

He reaches for me and I scoot away from him. "It's okay, I'm going to get you some help." He steps out of the shadows and I saw his face. His eyes were.. they were genuine. He lifts me in his arms and running in a completely different direction where I was running.

I started to slowly fall unconscious and my head rests on his chest. "Wait, stay with—"


I jolt forwards and jump off whatever platform I was laying on. I look down to see that I am wearing a large flannel. How the hell did I get here? Where am I? I glance around the room and saw no one. I sneak into the kitchen and grab a knife. I tuck it under my belt and run towards the door.

I open the door to see a tall man with grocery bags in his hands. "Hey there," "Who the hell are you? And where am I?" "Oh, do you not remember what happened last night?" "No, did we have sex or something?" "What? No, you were attacked by a pack of wolves, remember?"

"You had bites all over your body. So I contacted a friend of mine, a healer. Lafayette." "What?" I find the nearest chair and rest my face in my hands. Completely forgetting that I had a knife in my pants, it pierced my skin.

"Ouch, cabrona!" I pull out the knife and it falls onto the floor. "You were going to kill me?" "No, I was going to defend myself if anyone tried to hurt me. You don't fit in that category." "What's your name by the way?" "Alcide Hervaux," "I'm Jemima Y/L/N," "Nice to meet you,"

I sit up in the bed and swing my legs over the edge. I run a hand over my face and think to myself, I should have died that night. If I was human, I would have died.

"Bad dream?" Sam asks. He wraps an arm around me and kisses my neck warmly. I lean into his touch and say, "Sort of, yeah. I was just thinking about what I am. If I'm anything at all."

"Well try not to worry your beautiful head too much, okay baby." "Alright, papi." I turn my head and press a short kiss on his lips. "I have to get ready for work. Talk to you later?" "Yep,"


But literally everything points to me not being human. I can run really fast, heal faster than the norm, and I jump higher than 15 feet. But I've never heard of anything like that, neither has Sam or Lafayette. So I turned to the only one that I could think of: Alcide.

I dial his number and he answers on the first ring. "Hello?" "Hey," "How have you been, sweetheart?"

My heart still flutters whenever he calls me sweetheart. "There's something that I have to ask you." "Is it what I'm thinking of right now?" "Probably now," "Aw," "I think I'm magical or supernatural or whatever you call it."

"You're just not figuring that out?" "Listen douche bag, you know how stubborn and in denial I can be." He chuckles before saying, "True. You can be very stubborn. But I know that you were magical as soon as I met you."

"How?" "I could feel it. And any other human would have died." "That's what I was saying, but I still have no idea what I am." "I'll tell you what. Tomorrow we'll scouring every library or witch's house until we find the right book. Sound good?" "Sounds great. See you then."

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