My Dearest Angel

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~Soooo look like just about nobody is reading these... LOL
Well, I like writing them so I guess I'll keep adding more at my leisure. Plus my sister likes reading them so I'm not a complete loser hehe.~

Without further ado...

'Dear Castiel,' Dean wrote.

He stopped, briefly lifting the pen off the page and putting it to his lips, thinking. Then he started to write again.

'Cas, I love you. I love who you are and what you do. I love that you're selfless and brave. I love those extravagant picnics you take me on in paris or rome. And man, I really love you in bed.'

Dean smirked at those memories

'But really, my angel, what I love most of all about you is the little things. The things you probably don't even notice. There are so many little things I love about you I don't think I could ever name them all, so here are just a few of my favorites.

I love the way you look when you're confused, when you squint your eyes and tilt your head to the side, the way you do when I make a star trek reference.'

Dean smiled again at the memories flowing through his mind as he wrote.

'I love the look in your eyes when you say hello to me, and how you smile that little smile when I say hello back. I love listening to you talk for hours about bees and flowers and rocks and fish and all those tiny unimportant things that you find so much beauty in. I love when you're grumpy in the mornings and you wont get out of bed or even let me get out of bed because you're too busy kissing me.'

A single tear ran down Dean's face and splashed onto the paper, but he kept writing, finishing the letter.

'This list could go on forever so I better stop now. I want so badly for you to know that I love all these little things about you, Angel. More then anything else in the world, I wish I could spend the rest of my life telling you all the little things I love so much about you.

I love you so much Cas.

Yours forever,


Dean let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding.

He folded the paper and slipped it carefully into an envelope, sealed it, and scrawled 'My Dearest Angel' onto the front. Then, clutching the note tightly in his hand, and got up and went outside, climbed into the Impala, and began to drive. 

By the time he reached his destination the sun was beginning to set, and a flaming red-orange glow settled over everything. 

Dean got out of the car and started walking. He walked past all the headstones until he found the one he was looking for. He knelt down, and slowly read the engraved words he knew by heart.

'Castiel Winchester, caring friend, loving husband, and beloved angel'

Most people thought those words were poetic, but Dean knew. He smiled weakly at the grave stone as more tears began traveling down his cheeks.

"Hey, Cas." Dean said, forcing a grin. "I know it's been a while, I've missed you. Sam and Jess say hi."

His voice cracked and he stopped for a second, squeezing his eyes shut, before turning back to the grave.

“I brought you something." He gently placed the envelope against the headstone, where it joined the small pile of papers he had left there. Some had begun to rot they'd been there so long. 

There were seven. One for each year that they had been apart. One for each year that Dean hadn't felt whole. One for each year that Dean had missed him.

Dean fell onto his knees and reached out, placing a hand on the cold marble stone.

"I feel so stupid asking this," Dean laughed. Then his smile broke and he closed his eyes, face contorted with grief. He whispered the next words, a broken prayer into the wind "Please come back, Angel."

Then he broke down and sobbed.

~Maybe it would've been nicer to put a warning at the BEGINNING of the one-shot.... Eh, whatever. This is more deliciously evil. 

My sister cried when she read this one.
I feel very accomplished :) ~

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