le velo pour deux

21 4 9

tw: i talk about bodies :/

i overshare on here a lot so it's great that just about no one reads this lmao


i'm watching my 600-lb. life and these people really need to be put in mental facilities when they recognize they need help but keep gaining weight

it's like basically self-harm once you get that large, right ??

i used to tell myself that i'd kill myself if i ever weighed 200 pounds but that's probably never gonna happen because my appetite is nonexistent and i'm barely ever awake to even eat + my mom would like bully the fuck out of me like she did when i was a chubby little thing in elementary school

but there's literally nothing wrong with being heavier (or skinnier) as long as you're healthy and happy

i really feel extra bad for the ones that get bedridden because that shit sounds horrible

they usually have super tragic pasts and it's just  interesting to see how they either overcome their situation or just how they formed such an addiction to food yknow

okay that's it bye

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