You're not unwanted Alan

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<next morning>
[Alan's hospital room]
(Third person P. O. V)
It was a quiet morning and Alan just started to wake up after a night of crying over what happened yesterday. After he fully woke up, Gordon had just came in with breakfast tray and kindly said.
"Morning sleepyhead, how are you feeling?"
"Terrible." Alan sadly replied.
"Not the only one." Gordon miserably said while sitting on the side of the bed.
Alan looked at the breakfast tray and started to smile a bit. So he gratefully said.
"You didn't had to make breakfast, you know Gordon."
"I know but I wanted to and it worked. You're smiling." Gordon sweetly said.
Gordon then got up onto his feet while Alan sat up. Gordon place the table next to Alan so he could eat his breakfast. After Alan finished his breakfast, he laid back on the pillows while Gordon removed the trolley.
"Do you think it was wrong what I did yesterday?" Alan sadly asked.
"What do you mean Alan?" Gordon surprisingly replied.
"The things I said to both Scott and Virgil. Was it wrong for me to do it?" Alan ashamedly said.
Gordon sat on the side of the bed, held Alan's hand and gently said.
"No Alan, it wasn't. Those two got what they've deserved after the way they've been to you these past weeks you've been in here."
"Do you really think so?" Alan asked.
"Yeah I do Bro. Besides they've been worst back home and I think it was about time someone talked some sense into them." Gordon admittedly said.
"That someone was me. The youngest out of all 5 of us and the only one who wasn't born the same way as you four because of the Hood." Alan ashamedly replied.
As the two younger Tracy brothers remained quiet with each other over what happened yesterday and about what Alan said about the Hood causing Alan to be born prematurely. After a few minutes, Alan then perked up a bit and said.
"How about a walk outside? I'm getting bored been here."
"Ok if you want, do you need help with your shoes?" Gordon kindly asked.
"No thanks, I can do it." Alan politely replied.
So Gordon got up and helped Alan sit up on the side of the bed. Once Alan got his shoes on, he then stood up, held on to the monitor stand, grab his jacket then he and Gordon then left the room and went outside.
[the hospital garden]
As the two younger Tracy brothers walked through the hospital garden, Gordon noticed how quiet Alan was so he decided to try and cheer him up by saying.
"Buddy and Ellie send their regards, they called me the other night."
Alan chuckled a bit and then said.
"That was nice of them."
"We're going to get through this Alan. You know that, don't you?" Gordon kindly said.
"Yeah I do know that but now I'm not too sure. After what happened yesterday, I feel like I'm the one in the wrong." Alan sadly replied with a deep sigh.
"No you're not Allie, you should never feel like you're the one in the wrong. Scott and Virgil got what was coming to them." Gordon lovingly said while putting his hand on Alan's shoulder.
Alan giggled a bit then said.
"You haven't called me Allie since I was 10 years old."
"Thought it would cheer you up and it did. You're laughing." Gordon sweetly replied.
Alan smiled but then sighed. He then sadly said.
"Just to let you know, I didn't find any of this easy when Dad told me."
"How did you manage it though Alan? Despite the fact you were only 8 years old." Gordon curiously asked.
"I didn't at first. When I was sent back to school, I became distant and felt unwanted by Dad which was why I ignored all of Dad's calls. I felt like Dad wasn't really there for me and he'd preferred you guys instead of me which made me feel abandoned and unwanted because I wasn't born the same way as the rest of you guys were born. That was how I managed it before grandma took me out." Alan sadly but admittedly replied.
When Alan finished, he looked away from Gordon and felt ashamed. Gordon was speechless but understood what Alan said about how he felt when he was 8.
"You felt abandoned and unwanted because of the way you were born when Dad sent you back to school?" Gordon asked.
Alan nodded yes and began to have tears in his eyes. He then said.
"I sometimes still have those feelings, I can't help it Gordon but it's just the way I feel and is the main reason I didn't want to tell you guys about my heart."
After he was finished, Alan fully began crying. He then felt Gordon putting his arm over his neck and heard him say.
"You're not unwanted Bro. You're a great astronaut who flys thunderbird 3 just like how Dad flew his rockets and it doesn't matter how different you are from us because of the way you were born. You're the special one."
Alan looked Gordon with a surprise look on his face after hearing what Gordon just said.
"I'm the special one? What do you mean by that?" Alan surprisingly asked.
"It's what mum called you when you were a baby. I was curious about why you were so tiny and why you were born early. Mum told me that you were special because you weren't born the way the rest of us were and that was what made you special." Gordon replied with a smile.
"I never knew that." Alan then said.
"Well you do now. So never ever have those feelings again Alan, we love you and we can't lose a good astronaut because I don't think me or the others can fly thunderbird 3 the way you do. Ok?", asked Gordon.
Alan, while trying to hold back his tears, nodded yes. Gordon then pulled Alan into a hug and Alan fully started crying. Gordon rubbed Alan's back and heard Alan saying.
"I can't go through this surgery without Scott and Virgil Gordon. I just can't."
"You won't have to. I'm going to talk to them." Gordon replied while starting to cry himself.
The two brothers then carried on hugging each other. Gordon, while still comforting Alan, started to think on how he was going to talk to Scott and Virgil.

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