What Lies Beneath The Ashes

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What lies beneath the ashes
What calculated deceptions
Are buried under that rubble
Arson investigation evidence
Would reveal I fire deliberately set
Anger the accelerant
Flames fanned by incendiary words
Heart reaching burning point
Lungs starved from smoke inhalation
Coughing up crimson flecked pain
She'd thought theirs we a happy home
Until the day he torched
That beautiful illusion
Backdraft of his wayward passion
Once the door of truth was opened
There was no possibility of containment
The corpse of their relationship
Burned beyond recognition
Somehow managing to save herself
And the kids but just barely
Dragging them from the wreckage
Everything a blur
Starting over
Taking nothing with them
But charcoal hearts
Scar tissue memories
And the persistent smell
Of smoke

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