chapter five

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Chapter 5
Every individual has an entitlement to choose his own way of life,most people make absurd choices and I was no different from them
My entire family called me Tyson,Tyson keeler but my friends always called me weird names
I grew up with the best of everything amongst my peers,attended the best schools,and later had a doctorate degree in psychology. My life was perfect,I had all the protection i needed at that stage thanks to my father whom I believed owned a security company. My mom had died leaving me a kid,for once I thought I was alone till I learned I had an elder brother up until then there was peace but his arrival made the family one of chaos. I was never aware of all happenings in the family until I turned 22
I realized things were not exactly what they teemed to be. What i believed to be a security company turned out to be a mafia cult,it was popular for serenity,now my father had to pass the mantle down and hereditarily it fell on my elder brother. That's were it all began
Alexander was known for his extravagant,careless,highly aggressive and dangerous life. Even worse was the fact that he was chronically psychotic. He was rude and hostile but that did not change the fact we were brothers and indeed one I loved.Felicity was what he described as his lost princess,she was no different from him and always displayed high exuberance. His real life Harley Quinn
"Alex,you are too naive to handle this,this isn't one of your groups that fill the city with turbulence"my father said calmly that afternoon to Alexander
He had a routine of sitting in his study alone at exactly 2:59pm,but today he summoned us both and he had arrived before me
"Dad you think i'm naive?" He scoffed then laughed wickedly "C'mon,i'm 27 and he's what,22? Naivety is obviously his thing,why do you think it should be him not me!"
"Son,its a choice you have no right whatsoever to get involved in,you r brother's gonna be in charge and you're gonna learn to live with it"
He immediately flew into a rage,his veins were bulging as he stood up hitting the oak table
"Not while i'm alive,i'm your eldest son,and all of this for what? I'm gonna ask you nicely to reconsider this or face the dire consequences"
A moment of silence followed,I froze on hearing this,I didn't want to get involved so I turned to leave before I heard my father speak up again
"Is that a threat? He asked as he smirked lightly "you should reconsider your words before you run out of time"
"Is that what you think? Three days,that's all, or I wouldn't mind having your blood on my hands. Your dead self is gonna wish you reconsidered this" He finished and turned to leave.
I was just entering the study and he stopped on reaching me,he glared at me viciously,I could see him grin wickedly,it sent shivers down my spine. If glares were daggers I'd probably be dead
Alexander plainly kept his words,he had our father assassinated on the forth day
Then I had nothing but hatred for him,I did not care for anything but vengeance on my fathers behalf,I did not even mind staking my life for it. I went into hiding as Alexander forcefully took over the league,I carefully drafted a plan,I wasn't gonna let him die happy and I was willing to die for it
Saturday came by so quickly. As Roseline kept showing off her fiance,I felt my anger grow,I  hated show offs especially when they came from her
It was as big as I imagined,only even bigger. The mansion was heavily decorated and the net worth was jaw dropping. I still couldn't help but not care
I donned the purple body hugging dress made for me,I felt like Cinderella since it was custom made. I had a teal wrapping heel on which accentuated my legs,the dress made me look more curvy
I sat before my dressing mirror,I had the last touch of makeup,a dark purple matte lipstick,I was satisfied. My hair was styled into sleek retro curls and I let it fall. I took one more look at the mirror,grabbed my purse and phone and made for the ground floor
It was packed with people from top to bottom. I wore s fake smile as I passed guests searching frantically for Katherine who I hoped hadn't ditched my invite for an actual party
I said hi to the family before finally spotting her. She giggled loudly as she sipped from a glass of wine and chatted carelessly with some guy. I walked over and grabbed her arm
"Sorry I'm gonna have to steal her for a minute" I pulled her arm,grabbed the almost empty glass she was clinging to so tightly and dropped it on the nearest tray
"You sure are one difficult person to track,and you do realize he isn't our age?"I asked when we were out of sight
"I love his accent,I don't know ...its so british  ,he's so ravishingly handsome" she said and let out a shrill laugh
"Where the hell is that coming from?"
She was drunk,I had to let her get some air. I dragged her outside and let her sit. I had invited her to help relieve me of boredom and she had successfully gotten drunk.
"What else could possibly go wrong?" I said blowing my hair off my face
"Hey,don't be mad at me,I'm still conscious,just a little dizzy. Okay come seat here I'm gonna tell you a story" she said tapping the space beside her
We chatted away for  almost three hours and at exactly 9:00pm she dozed off. I had the driver take her home
I wasn't gonna waste a minute longer at that party,it felt like torture,I moved back to my room as kathy left
I switched the lights on and dumped my purse on my bed
"Hey" ,a voice sounded from behind me,I was startled and turned around slowly
"Tyson" I ran to give him a hug "how did you get in here?" I inquired
"Yeah,about that,I came in through the window if that's fine by you"
I did not care if he had broken in,the joy on seeing him surpassed my reasoning
He stared at me again before pulling me into a tight hug
"I've missed you so much " he whispered lightly into my ears
I blushed lightly then inhaled deeply as I drew in his scent,I loved the way he smelled like mint and syrup
I pulled from his hug and sat beside him
"Why did you leave without a notice?"
"I hope you never find out" he answered smiling
"Fine,were do you live now?" I was really anxious
"That too"
"That's no answer"
He smiled at me for a short time, the smile slowly faded as he fell on the bed,I was dazed and turned to try discern what had happened. I spotted a needle at his neck. He had being shot with tranquilizers
I was dazed,I stood up to go find help
I reached for the door knob and slowly opened it. A guy stood there,he looked as though he was in his late twenties. He was relaxed as he smoked a cigarette lightly
"There's a policy of not crossing the party venue,this is actually my room,private property" I finished and turned to leave
He dragged me roughly to himself
"You're coming with me pretty"
That was all I heard before reaching the ground with a thud. I felt a slight pain on my neck,I reached for it and noticed I had also being shot with the same thing as Tyson. I slowly felt numb and everything went blur.
I saw two other guys lift me up before I blacked out completely.

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