Chapter 2

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"Huh?!? Are you crazy? Sure, you just managed to defeat the warbeasts but they're the 14th most powerful race, we're talking about going after the 7th most powerful, that's double what we're at right now"

Sora looked surprised, not that they were going after the elves but rather that Steph knew all of that, not to mention the math that she did.

"Don't tell me you didn't know who you were going after" Steph had noticed the confused face "Oh're surprised that I'm not an idiot again aren't you?" she corrected herself

"Mhm" they said in unison. "Not to mention that we defeated a Flugel which is ranked 6th and we had already planned to go after them once we were done with the Werebeasts, or did you not hear the part where we altered Fi's memories in preparation for our game."

Steph sighed as she turned around and left without arguing with them. "I think she's gotten used to it, we need to find something else to tease her about" Sora laughed as she asked Shiro, she nodded back then the both of them walked into the library.

Unsurprisingly Jibril was there reading the books that Sora and Shiro had given her a while back when she lost the game. She waved at Sora and Shiro before going back to reading. Sora took a seat as Shiro went and got some relevant books to whatever detailed thing they were trying to plan.

She came back with a pile of about 14 books stacked on top of one another, she was stumbling back and forth trying to keep her balance and not cause the pile of books she was carrying to topple over. Sora stood up and ran over there to help her taking half of the stack himself and putting it on the table with a thump.

The books had various subjects ranging from 'Elves for dummies' to 'Spirit Connections and How They Work'.

"You're going after the elves next right?" Jibril asked looking up from her E-Books, she assumed that they were going after the elves due to the names and genre of the books.

"Yeah, there's going to have to be a lot of planning this time considering that they are highly skilled in magic and definitely could cheat quite easily and make it hard to detect. Not to mention that since we're challenging them they may pick a game that gives them a greater advantage. So we need to prepare both for them cheating and for some unknown game. We do have an advantage over them in which we gave them false information about us and our skills. So far what we know about them is that the have a strong connection with spirit circuits and when they are disconnected from the they can't use magic and have little to no physical capabilities. They can perform very complex spells, They have the highest affinity for creature exceed magic, they have a long life span although not near the lifespans of Flugel. They are rather intelligent and can perform multiple spells at a time. They are also good at Thermoregulation, purification of objects, compression of objects, and elemental physical state manipulation. They also seem to have an arrogant personality....Well that's all we know for now although I'm hoping to get more information from these books and also from asking Fi and you. We're only looking through books now since Fi is currently away in Elven Gard." Sora was out of breath by the time that he had finished giving her that summary of the information that they had gathered.

"It doesn't seem that there is much more information that what we already know from theses books" Shiro said as she had finished reading the last book from the pile that they had gathered.

"Ughhh, Do you mind helping Jibril?"

"Well if you want me to kill them I'll gladly do so master" Jibril said with a evil look on her face.

"NO!! I meant information wise, although if that first rule didn't exist then a 'Heavenly Smite' as you call it could do the trick...But that's not the point, we just need information at this moment" Sora replied considering the violence for a split second before ultimately deciding it would be better to do it without bloodshed whether or not that rule had existed.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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