"Oh, hi, Derek."

"Uh, we'll call you later, Eva," Sam said, with an awkward wave. Luis, beside him, was raising his eyebrows between Derek and I, in a suggestive, but skeptical manner, as if to say, really? Him?

"Bye," I told them, while giving Luis a dark look, and tried not to stare longingly when they pushed their way through the double doors. Oh, what I'd give to be on my way to the Mexican restaurant that I'd Yelped earlier and minutes closer to chowing down on a takeaway plate of chicken tamales.

"So, how have you been settling into Portland?" He asked. "Me, personally, I've been a little homesick for Florida, but I'm adjusting pretty well."

"It's not like I haven't been itching for a change." I shrugged. "Sacramento's home, but it got old a long time ago."

"Yeah. Bet you have even more on your plate now, though." He patted my arm with a sympathetic laugh.

I raised an eyebrow. "Do I?"

He made a psh sound. "Way more than the rest of us newcomers. I mean, having to train privately with Malachai Parker? Dude. I would not wanna be you right now."

I crossed my arms. "Why not?"

"Isn't it obvious?" He chuckled. "I mean, I get that he's like...this new person since the merge, or however it goes in the Gemini books, but you can't tell me he doesn't give you chills. Guy's disturbed."

Hadn't I been making a similar argument just a few weeks ago, when my mother was trying to get me to hop aboard the train to Gemini town? I should be in full agreement with Derek now, even getting out a few jabs of my own about the coven leader. What I wasn't anticipating was the instant wave of disagreement with the notion that Kai should give me chills of fear, particularly because I was more than adept at handling myself.

But more pressingly, the chills I felt around him weren't induced by fear, or even caution. It was the feeling of those dark blue eyes lingering on my form, the occasional close contact between us...that made my skin prickle, my magic hum. Something told me Derek definitely wouldn't be able to comprehend that, and it wasn't a fact that I was about to share with anyone outside of myself.

"I can handle Kai," I answered in flat tones, flicking my hair over my shoulder. "I don't see why any self-respecting witch would be afraid of him."

Derek bristled at that and I hid a smirk at the embarrassment that flickered in his expression. "I'm not afraid of him, or anything, it's just that I wouldn't wanna be practicing magic with a guy who killed his whole family. Don't you think it's messed up that you have to listen to him?"

"I appreciate the concern, Derek, but I don't blindly follow people," I stated. "And it's just training."

"Right." He paused and I squinted at the hesitance.


"Can I be super blunt here?" He took my silent stare as confirmation, because he quickly continued. "You're hot as fuck. And he's..." He grimaced. "Kind of a known player. If it's just training to you, it might not be to him."

I had to laugh at that. "Okay. Enough with the warnings. Did you not hear me when I said I can handle him?"

"Yeah, but-"

Burned » Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now