Author's Note! :D

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Hey there, peeps!
So here it is! My first book! :D

I am truly sorry, VIPS, if it won't reach your expectations, just feel free to comment your ideas and suggestions! I'll gladly accept them :D Well, I badly need those so that it'll help me improve the book :))

Read, Comment, Vote and Share!
Follow and I'll follow you back ;)
Feel free to talk to mee ~ I want someone to talk too!

I'm not that good in English, so again, sorry for the errors in grammar, spelling mistakes, and my laziness! Ughh, bear with it, everybody's lazy, haha!

And heyyyy!! Its only 6 days left before Christmas, VIPS!
As a gift, I'll be updating this book from today onwards :D


Hope you enjoyyy! ♡
Well then...
I'm off, see you soon! :D

♡ Saranghae people, Dhennieeeeee! ♡
2014/12/20- Saturday



~ I don't own the Bigbang photos and videos here, all rights belong to the owner/s.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.


☆Bigbang Oneshots☆Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt