MMAAB-Chapter 2

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Lexi POV

I was walking home in wolf form behind the Alpha sand my father. The alpha kept yelling at me through the mind link. Things like 'you are so irresponsible' or 'you could have got my daughter killed' or ' you should be ashamed of yourself'. I finally put up my block which u had been using a lot recently. Everyone was staring at me like I was werewolf hybrid with super strength. I was only 10 which explained most of it. I was getting annoyed with everyone staring at me so I yelled through the mindlink 'take a photo it will last longer' as a turned on the spot. The aloha growled at that one. I just turned and kept walking.

Some how on the walk home my block slipped and the alpha said 'you will pay for this later on little pup'

When we were all home I ran into the house not caring how much noise I made. I ran up to my room and shifted back to my human form.

My long caramel coloured hair was a mess. I dived into the shower and cleaned up. When I got out of the shower I noticed my eyes had turned a darker shade of blue. A sign I was in trouble with the alpha. My eyes are usually a sapphire blue but now they where on the border of being black.

I quickly brushed and dried my hair only to hear the alpha yelling downstairs. My dad was trying to reason with him to talk to me instead of doing the usual. I shivered visibly at the thought of two nights ago.

*flash back*
" Get here now Lexi" the alphas voice boomed through the house. I slowly made my way downstairs to see him standing there his eyes black as coal. I gulped. I knew he was mad at me for some unknown reason. I walked up to him and bowed my head in respect. The next thing I knew I was on the other side of the room with a most likely cut eyebrow and probably a black eye would appear. He stalked up to me and grabbed the collar of my shirt, and throw me against the wall. I creid out in pain of the impact. He started kicking and punching me left right and center. When he finally stopped I was left in a heap on the living room floor chocking and trying to catch my breath. I looked up to only see a foot make contact with my face and I blacked out.

*end of falsh back*

I shivered at the memory. I was out for 3 and a half hours. Nobody but my dad, mum and the alpha knew about this and it was to stay that way.

I grabbed my backpack and shoved some clothes and money in it. I put my hairbrush in my bag and walked to my window. I heard the alpha coming up stairs. I opened the window and jumped out just as the alpha came into the room. He saw me go it to the forest and ordered for me to come back. It took everything I had not to go back as he was my family and the only thing willing me to go back and stay with lily.

Lilly was my baby 3 year old sister. She was basically a mini me. Identical in every way except the age and her eyes where a green instead of blue.

I was a rouge as of now.

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