Authors Note

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Hello my lovely readers,

Saying I missed you will be a great understatement. I've missed updating you and throwing all my thoughts in here and as usual you receiving them(very grateful for this by the way) . 2020 has been super crazy and frustrating, far from our expectations but all that matters is we are breathing and this is really important.

Forgive your girl over here. She's been super lazy and some issues here and there but you know as I always say I'm here now like I never left. Haha

Quarantine has been everything in one. Happy, frustrating, boring, mixed feelings... Blah blah blah. Really it's just everything

I don't know how your quarantine been going down. Share with me in the comments (👇 here). Mine has been nothing interesting just taking selfies mostly (this here is part of my life, lil strange addiction), reading books, sleeping like my life depends on it and other silly stuff you don't want to know about 😂.

Despite the fact that 2020 has not been fair, my goal has been Happiness Over Everything and I've been trying my very best to live it and I can say it's been working. What has been your every monthly goal this 2020 ? If you don't have any feel free to share mine. It's really healthy especially during this pandemic. Being happy will at least take your mind off all that is going on right now. It works for me so I'm hoping it'll do the same to you

Reminder: IT'LL BE FINE

And I Love you all and appreciate you as always

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