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What is your all time favorite series?

The Vampire Diaries was my all time favorite then the Originals came.
My watching history of the Vampire Diaries is somewhat interesting because it's funny.
I started watching it when I was 12, the problem was I didn't understand how events took place and interchange of the events
For the love of it I watched blindly
My mum even called me V.D as a nickname because of my watching habits

Don't be surprised when I say I kissed that movie goodbye when I was Seventeen 😂

At least the Originals was an easy task for my mind

Watching this series left me thinking what I really wanted to be and
Being a vampire seemed awesome, who doesn't want eternity honey
Being a witch seemed cool until when you realize witches can die and remain dead
Werewolves are pretty amazing too
Don't forget the hybrids

I loved those two awesome brothers and I didn't know who I loved the most
Some days I was for Stefan and other days for Damian 😂
#cool bro's to say

I fell in love 😍 at a younger age 😂

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