C1: Meeting The Willoughbys

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Your POV
I was with auntie Linda, because I was going to help her and mom accepted me to come with auntie Linda.

Auntie was a nanny and I am her little assistant. We are here in front of the Willoughby's House.

"Sure thing the house is fit" I said to auntie linda "Yeah kiddo, let's take a picture" aunt Linda said as we take a picture in her phone. We were going in the yard and then auntie surprise them. "Hello! I am your new nice nanny, send by your loving parents!" Aunt said.



Until I saw to my left and see a skinny boy and I think we had a same age, and he was powdered by....... Orange powder. "Uh..... Do you need some help?" I ask him "I'm ok" he said having a thumbs up.

"But what kind of a nanny are you? With a daughter?" The girl ask "Oh no, she is not my daughter, she is my niece but my little assistant. We nanny knows how to cook, clean......." And I was going to beside her to finish the last words.

"And we can sing!~" We said.

The girl gasped of what we said "You guys, sing?!" She ask "Yep!" I said to her.

"By the way, The names (Y/n) (M/n) (L/n), call me (Y/n). And you know the rest, I am her niece cause she is my auntie" I introduce and said to her.

"(Y/n), you help the skinny boy off the door while me and this little girl will have fun, come on!" Auntie said "Ok auntie!" I said to her as she and the girl were singing along going to the dresser.

"I think I really need help, you barnabys look after Jane" the skinny boy said.

"Yes Tim"

"Absolutely Tim"

The twins said as they were going to follow them. "Sorry for being slam by my auntie" I apologize to him "No problem" he said in sarcastic way.

"Just hold on, ok?" I said to him as I grab his shoulders and pulled him and we fell. He was above on me but we didn't know our lips press each other, we open our eyes widely and he stood up and help me. "I am so sorry for doing that!"

I can see his blush on his face, but I blush a bit "Nah, that's ok. Names (Y/n), you?" I said and ask him.

"Oh........ Uh Timothy, call me Tim and I.... B-better go for a sec" he said as ran fast. "Ok?" I said to him as I followed him. Him and the twins were looking at them suspiciously and they were going upstairs.

I was going to auntie and to the girl as I saw the girl's hair were so beautiful. "You look beautiful" I said to her while smiling. "R-really? Uh, thank you. Actually nobody said that to me because we were not letting us outside. Oh yeah, my name is Jane Willoughby, call me jane and can we be best friends?" She said and ask me.

"Sure!" I said to her as we hug "Awe, how about you tour us Jane" auntie said to her as she takes our wrist and going upstairs fast. When she open the door, the room has full of books and papers on the ground. "Is this a library?" I ask Jane until I saw Tim was hiding while the Barnaby twins were in a....... Catapult.

Auntie was in the nana cup as she was going to name Barnaby A, and Barnaby B. Well I like it and they switch some longsleeve. When auntie was going to the twins and then Tim was now in the nana cup, when auntie switch the lever. Tim was flying and smack at the window, I was going to him. "You ok?!" I ask him in worried.


He said as auntie switch the other lever for the window to open, tim was going to fall but I caught him and lift him in. "Now, who wants some oat, dessert and some (F/d) juice?" Aunt ask them as the three cheered, well except for Tim. Me, auntie, Jane and the Barnaby twins were going to the dinning room but I realize that Tim was not with us.

"Hey Tim, you wanna eat?" I ask him as he snap himself out "O-oh, uh....... Yeah sure. I'll be there" he said as I was going down to make some waffle dessert and (F/d) juice in the kitchen.

Tim's POV
I was been ask by this (y/n) to eat downstairs. She has (H/l) (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, wait...... Why am I describing her? What is this feeling? Why is there butterflies inside of my stomach?

It doesn't matter, the matter is how to get away that nanny and (y/n). I was going down to the dining room as I see Jane and the barnabys were eating something.

"Hey Tim, try this delicious food called 'oat meal' " Jane said as the Barnabys agreed.

"So delicious"

"Definitely delicious"

As I sit down but until (y/n) showed up with.......

A dessert? That's weird, I didn't know that she can make desserts.

She placed beside of our oat food but I don't want to eat my food. "You know you can eat your oats right?" She ask "I don't want to" I said to her "why is..........oh~. I know what you thinking Tim" she said as I was confused.

"Are you jealous?"

My face were a bit of red "N-no, no! I-I'm not j-jealous" I said to her while stuttering.

O my Willoughby! Why am I like this?!

"Ok..... I'll just make some fresh (F/d) juice here inside of the kitchen" she said as she was going inside of the kitchen and closed the door. But suddenly the three were staring at me. "What?" I ask them.

"You like her?! Don't you Tim?!"

"What?! No! We just met her today!" I said to them "Awe, skinny bones is having issues about my niece~" nanny said as she sit beside me. "N-no, I'm just..... Never mind" I said.

"I heard the conversation between you and (N/n), you know that you can move on of your parents. But first you need to eat this food of yours" nanny said as I move it away.

"Eat" nanny said but still moving it away. She still giving it to me but....... "I said I don't!" I said to her and put the food on her face.

Oh no.

"What's going- Uh oh" I heard (y/n) said as the food fell on nanny's face and angry.

"You disrespect my oats, you disrespect your nanny. Now, I will put you......"

Your POV

"The coal bin?"

Me and auntie said as we are inside of the coal bin "She is going to put you in a time out" I said. I examine the coal bin and it has many writings of the days that Tim had. "You've been in the coal bin for how many days?" I ask Tim. "Days and months" he said and he face down. "So this is what your parents doing to you?" Auntie ask.

"Yeah, and we put the orphan baby to her new home" Jane said as we open our eyes widely "W-w-wait hold up, your saying an orphan baby is now in a new home and you gave it to the new owner?" I ask them.

"Yes" Tim said.

"We need to get the baby, where did you place her?" Aunt ask them....

Willoughbys (Timothy Willoughby X Reader) +COMPLETE+Where stories live. Discover now