The joys of babysitting Blaine and Britt

Start from the beginning

"You tired?" I smirk and turn my head toward him.

"No" he grumbles and crosses his arms over his chest.

"I think somebody is a very tired little boy don't you?" I ask him and get up.

"No nap daddy! no!" he whines.

"Yes come on, let's go change that nappy and get you settled" I tell him and pick him up.

"No!" he cries as I carry him upstairs. I lie him down on the table and change his nappy and took his shorts off, then went back downstairs and got a bottle made and then headed back up again. I sat in the rocking chair and fed him his bottle.

"Get some sleep sweetheart" I say and stroke his cheek with my finger and he closes his eyes out of tiredness and because he likes the feeling of my finger on his cheek. Blaine fell asleep with his mouth open but the bottle just hanging slightly from his mouth and just under half of milk left. I rocked back and forth gently just to make sure he was asleep properly then swapped his bottle for his dummy then put him in his crib. I left the room but making sure I turned on the monitor and leaving the door open a crack. I cleaned the living room just in time for Britt and San to turn up.

"Hello come in, come in" I greet as Britt and San walk in.

"Hi" San say.

"Ello uncle Kurt" Britt says and waves at me.

"Hey sweetie"

"Mummy can I go pway wif Bwaine pwease?" she says and looks at San.


"Oh Blaine is asleep sweetheart, sorry about that" I tell as soon as she was about to run off in to the other room.

"Oh can I 'till pway wif der toys?" she looks at me.

"Go on then" I smile at her and she runs off into the other room.

"Thanks ever so much Kurt I owe you big time" she says as she hugs me.

"No need and it's no problem Blaine needs someone to play with around here he gets a little lonely sometimes anyway" I say and hug back.

"Ok well I gotta go, here is Britt's changing bag and chair for the car if you are going out and her other chair to put at the table, you know the one you attach to the actual chair" she rambles

"I know San I have one of my own"

"Ok ok she has everything, Britt I'm now leaving come give mummy a hug" she calls out.

"Bye mummy"

"Bye baby, be good for uncle Kurt alright, don't give him any trouble ok mummy loves you bye"

"Bye" I close the door and walk into the living room with Britt.

"So what do you want to do while Blaine is asleep sweetie?" I ask Britt.

"Urrrr dollies" she says and holds her doll up.

"Ok are you the mummy?"

"Yes an' ou der daddy"

"Ok" I say a bit awkwardly.

10 minutes later Blaine started crying.

"Britt you want to come with me to get Blaine?" I ask her.

"Yeah" she cheers happily.

"Come on then" I say and put my hand out so she can take it. We head up the stairs and into Blaine's room.

"Hey baby, look who's here" I say and get Blaine out.

"Britt! Britt!" he exclaims.

"Yes you can play with her in a little while sweetheart, lets just get you changed first" I tell him while I change him and put his shorts back on as Britt just stands there and watch intently.

Infantilism BlaineWhere stories live. Discover now