"The X-Advisors..." Part XXXIII...

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Disclaimer: All is Chuck's...

[Note-delayed for a while on this one due to life and other stories but will try to continue on...RG]

Part XXXIII...

"Are you enjoying your beverage...Amy?" young Sheldon beamed at Amy who smiled back.

Hmmn...Sheldon eyed his counterpart.

I could take him but the memory of painfully being informed that my fiancée is not for you, younger self would be somewhat distressing...

And Amy would probably prefer I not go physical on my younger self...

"My money's on him..." Kripke, hissed, having rather easily guessed all that Sheldon's glare indicated he was thinking.

Hmmn...Perhaps. I was in rather good shape at the time thanks to constantly having run home to my dorm from class, pursued by offended, rather troglodyte classmates, the previous two years ago at East Texas Tech.

And would rather disturb the macho image Amy has of me to be beaten up by my younger self...

Young Sheldon eyeing his counterpart with an arch look...

"It seems to me..." he eyed adult Sheldon, who realized he had not as yet been offered a beverage.

Clearly our girl prefers...Me...Loser. Older Loser.

"...that you were quite foolish to make this experiment without proper safeguards. What were you thinking to come here without any way of getting yourselves back?" frown.

"We're not entirely without equipment. My...Partner...Kripke here helped me cobble together a field matrix controller last...Well...Many nights in the future."

"I still can't believe you realized what Susan was up to..." Amy beamed.

"Yes, I did..."

Score one, adult Sheldon, lil' loser. He eyed his annoyed counterpart.

"...But never thought how you'd return?" young Sheldon countered.

"I wasn't sure Susan would really try something so insane..." Sheldon shrugged. "I knew she seemed too interested in Leonard's microwormhole experiment. And I knew she and Dr. Francis were well acquainted with Dr. Stein's old wormhole traverse papers from this era."

"Yes, I just read his latest..." young Sheldon nodded.

"And if Amy hadn't..." slight pause.

Amy, glaring...

Uh-oh. Adult Sheldon. Oh, good...Young Sheldon beaming.

"You were going to go alone!" she raged, rising.

Oooh...Feisty Fowler...Kripke beamed from his chair.

Say, where's my drink...?

"You were going to go and leave me there!" Amy, furious.

"I was going to make sure you were..." he tried.

"Safe! I'd've been dead with the others! But that's not the important thing!" she fumed.

Rather would be to me...Kripke thought.

"You might be stuck here, alone, forever!" she shook head. "Away from me!"

"I was trying to save you..." he sighed. "I didn't want to take the chance you'd be stuck here with me."

"What if you fail? To restore the timeline and our universe?!" Amy insisted. "I'd be dead and gone from you."

"The X-Advisors..."Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora