"The X-Advisors..." Part LXIX...

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Sheldon Swifties LIX: "X-Advisors..."

Summary: Like my Immortal Beloved bits in my Buffyverse stories, these are fragments and short bits, some longer...Just to fiddle with ideas, possibly forming longer tales later.

Disclaimer: All is Chuck's...

Part LXIX...

Stein having excused himself from his old friend, the younger Xavier Francis, leaving him for a moment in his Physics department office on the plea of needing to give his guest, Dr. Kripke, a phone number, he had hurried to the Physics laboratory office where Kripke was attempting to show his new acolytes his search algorithm at Stein's terminal.

"Doctowr? Anything wrong?" he addressed Stein as Harvey and Bernie viewed the terminal screen with not a little awe...

This reminds of that idea Sinclair had for a new kind of internet program to meet women...Bernie hissed to Harvey. You input your information...Or whatever, it being the blessedly incognito Internet...And bingo, it's spreads out to everyone identified as a user and women (and maybe men, I'd guess, Harvey noted) respond. Especially to "whatever"...

But this one...Even more far-reaching...And, it finds them...

Wherever they may try to hide...

"Dr. Kripke, a moment?" Stein asked.

"Gentlemen? If you would care to print out my program, I believe the printer is in the main computer room?" Barry eyed the pair who eyed each other.

A whole new dating world, in our hands...

"Yeah, sure..." Harvey nodded. "Glad to..." Bernie agreed.

"Doc?" Barry eyed him as the door closed.

"Is it safe to let them see your program? Given it's thirty years ahead of its time?" Stein asked.

"I developed it latewr this yeawr, just modified it over the next thiwrty." Barry shrugged. "It won't allow them to wreak catatwrophic change in histowry or cwreate Facebook twenty yeawrs eawrly."

"Face what?" Stein stared.

"Nevewr mind..." offhand wave...

Though if we're stuck here, you'll be learning quick enough as I become a billionaire...

One must live, after all...And becoming Gates, Jobs, and Zuckerberg in one isn't the worst consolation.

"I see...Well, in any case, Dr. Fowler has told me the group at the hospital plans to keep Susan under their surveillance by pretending to be members of her absent family. With me as the father..." Stein sighed.

"Which I know they mean to use to see if she recognizes me..." pausing.

Barry eyeing him...

"But our concern is not that presently but the identification we'll need if we're to convince the police and hospital authorities." Stein noted. "Margaret told me Mrs. Hofstadter recommends you as someone who has experience in getting such?"

"Why, Penny...You wittle minx? Who knew you secwretly had an appwreciation fowr my talwents?" Barry beamed. "Yes, indeed...The fake id to enter a bawr or club, pwress pass to enter a supewrmodel's shoot, or id to pass myself off as a female celebwrity's lawyewr or psychiatwrist, I'm youwr man."

"Can you come up with a few suitable documents?" Stein asked. "A birth or marriage certificate, perhaps a license giving Susan her current age, and perhaps something for Penelope and Sheldon as well?"

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