"The X-Advisors..." Part X...

Start from the beginning

Uh...He blanched at Penny's dark look...

"Conscious of Leonard's budget..." Raj grinned, not seeing until too...Oops...

I think my mutism may be back, he eyed Penny's glare.

"Hey, Amy..." she hurriedly stepped over to Amy where she stood by the band... "I'll show you how... Taking phone... 'Soft Kitty. Warm kitty...'"

Susan across the room, seeming to instinctive sense, rather than actually hear...

Someone singing Soft Kitty...The right way?

"Ok, bestie, thanks..." Amy, repressing urge to grab phone...

"...Little ball of fur..."

"Thanks. I got it!" annoyed tone...

Penny a bit startled by the sudden grab...

"Uh...Sleepy kitty, happy kitty..." Amy, gently...

"What? What did I do?" Penny to Bernadette's frown... "Sheldon likes how I sing 'Soft Kitty'..."

"Would you want Amy to start singing 40s swing to Leonard, in that dress? Or dancing with him, maybe?" Bernadette frowned. "Just what is up with you and Sheldon and 'Soft Kitty', anyway?


Well...It's our song...Penny did not say...

And...No...I wouldn't...

Leonard likes 40s swing and dancing...And Amy is looking just a little too...

Oh...I get it, she blanched. Looking Amyward.

"...Purr, purr, purr..." Amy paused. "Is that...? Sheldon?" puzzled..."Sheldon? What is that? Were you recording me?...Wait. Is that someone on the other line?" frown..."...singing...?!" furious glance first to Penny who stared...



Jesus...Penny blanched at Amy's enraged look across the room...Raj looking as well...Krishna, it's Shiva the Destroyer, come to life...

"She's very...Angry at someone?" Lucy, nervously. "It's not me, is it?"

"No. Not you..." Howard, staring over to where Susan Stein was currently singing into her own phone. Barry Kripke watching, frowning...Yet rather...

Just like that scene in "Las Vegas, a Ho Whoa II." where she sang...Though with clothes it's less effective...

Grimly icy... "Ok. Thank you..Dr. Stein, that was...Nice. Sheldon...I want you to say good night, hang up, and go to sleep...Now." Amy, to her phone...Clenching teeth as she spoke. "You need...Your rest. Now."

I think she's going to break that phone in a moment, Bernadette thought, staring.

Scared, really, really scared...Lucy hissed to Raj...

Me, too...He hissed back... "But we need to support Amy in her time of extreme wrath...Lest the blood on her hands be on our heads. She won't hurt us...I hope."

Ok...Lucy sighed.

Geesh, making new friends and having a lover is hard.


Uh, oh...Leonard, at Sheldon's bedside, staring as Sheldon hurriedly mumbled good night, thanks...Ladies? And closed his phone...

Soft Kitty...The Sheldonian way...This sounds like trouble, Hofstadter.

And trouble, when it's for someone else, is always entertaining...Grin.

Though, no...I suppose I don't want trouble for Sheldon and Amy...

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