(part 1)Prologue 1

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"Claritie! Come here please!"

"Yes Daddy!"

"So, your stepmother and I have been thinking... Would You like to go to DisnieWorld?"

"Oh Yes Father! Please Father!" 5-year-old Claritie jumped with excitement! DisnieWorld? Home to the Tiger King, and Mickie Mouse? So cool! "Destiny! Destiny!" called Claritie.

"What is is now?" said Destiny, Claritie's 17-year-old sister said.

"Daddy and Mommy agreed that we could go to Disnieworld! Aren't you excited??!"

"Hmm. I would love to go, baby sister, but I gotta go to college tomorrow. Maybe some other time!"

"Awwwwww! But Destiny, I really wanna go with YOU!"

"I know, and I wanna go to Clare, but I have to go to school! Dad, is it possible we can go during my summer vacation to Disnieland again?"

"It is possible... but I only saved up enough for one trip... I would mean that I have to work double hours." Dad replied sadly.

"That's okay," replied Destiny "Little sister, I have an idea, let us go for a picnic today, and you can still enjoy Disnieworld next week when I am gone for college!" Destiny suggested.

"Okay! Thankoo Destiny!" said Claritie happily.

"Anyways, girls, I gotta go to work, we have an important conference in an hour!" Dad said.

"Bye!" said Destiny.

"Bye!" said Claritie.

They both seemed happy, and proud of their dad, but deep inside, both of them knew that this was when their stepmother took control...


"Clop, Clop, Clop." Nothing particularly fancy in her high heels, they just made a lot of noise. Just a woman, best dressed in the house, who did no work at all, barren, cold eyes, fan in one hand, wine glass filled to the brim in the other. She looked devilish, something out of a fairy tale.

"Now, Now, what do we have here?" her harsh, shrill, icy voice hurt the girls' ears.

Destiny stood in front of Claritie, saying: "Why don't you go play something, hm Claritie?"


"She is five years old! You can't blame her!" Destiny defended the child.

"Don't get all smart with me young lady! Get out of my way as SHE deserves something far worse than I have ever done to you!" The stepmother demanded "Clop, Clop, Clop." She was coming closer.

Claritie didn't know what to think. She was young, naive, and scared. She hoped the best for both her and Destiny. Trembling, she hid behind her sister.

"Don't come another step closer woman!" Destiny screamed as a tear rolled down her face. "Dad just left! You can't be so... so.... so... pure evil!!!!"

"What did you just call me?" said the stepmother coldheartedly. She smiled cruelly and came closer to the girls. "Clop, Clop" went her shoes.

"Umm, nothing. I'm sorry!" said Destiny, who was crying at this point.


The stepmother had thrown her wine glass at Destiny, who's face now was cut and bruised, red and sticky from the wine. But more than that, her eye was blackened.

"You got what you deserved." the stepmother laughed maliciously.

"We did nothing. We did nothing at ALL!" yelled Claritie. "You are so mean! I hate you! I hate my stepmommy! You are so mean!"

"Your vocabulary is rather... limited, little one. And also, let me teach you that you NEVER SHOULD SAY THAT TO ME!" the stepmother shouted.

"Stay... away from her...." Destiny said shakily. "Please." 


The stepmother had slapped Destiny's cheek. There was a red mark there. "Mention one WORD of this to your father, and I will make your lives a living hell."

our lives already were a living hell.

That was the day that Claritie knew to stay away from her psychotic stepmother. The only thing that kept her going was her knowing that her sister was enduring this too and that she was a real-life Cinderella, she might, no she WOULD get her moment eventually.

Hope u enjoyed Chapter 1 of Last Murder!


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