9. Why you sah gay?

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My lips were slowly creeping closer to his lips, I stopped about half a centimetre away and when he didn't pull away I kissed him and it was amazing, until he pushed me off onto the ground and started yelling.

"What the fuck Nash!!?" He towered over me as he got up from the couch. I couldn't see his face because of the morning sun coming through the blinds, I couldn't see if he was angry, so I assumed it.

"I didn't know you were a fucking disgusting faggot! You queer! I don't want to see you for the rest of the day!" He yelled and stormed off, leaving me with tears trickling down my face.

I got up and went to go cry in my room.

-Third person POV-

Cameron felt many emotions run through his body, swirl around in his tummy and dart through his mind when Nash kissed him. Anger, warmth, happiness, guilt, and something he hadn't felt before. But Cameron was so caught up with his past that he didn't realise the tears on the 16 year olds baby cheeks as he stormed away, slamming his bedroom door and startling his 6 month old dog, Jax, who was sleeping on his bed.

Cameron sighed crossly and flopped down next to his big dog, stroking her grey fur. After doing this for a good ten minutes he got up and went to his closet to retrieve some old photos.

Hidden away, behind Cameron's alcohol stash, which seemed to be smaller than before, were old photos of his dad and himself, before his dad died.

Cameron had always blamed his fathers death on himself, if they hadn't had a big argument about Cameron's sexuality, his father wouldn't have stormed out of the house in the middle of the night and gotten hit by a taxi.

Cameron's dad, David, was a big homophobe, but the fourteen year old didn't know that. When Cam told his dad about the his little crush on a kid from school his dad was infuriated and yelled until 11:30pm about how being gay is wrong, and stormed out of the house only to be killed seconds later.

The fourteen year old, being fourteen, didn't handle the death very well and was convinced that it was his fault. Cameron found a hatred for gays (even though he was one) and tried to live up to his fathers standards by convincing himself he was straight and loved girls, even if that meant flirting with Nash's girlfriend.

And it was all going A-Okay until that darn kiss.

Cameron sighed as he went through the old pictures while tears spilled out of his eyes at the memories with his dad. Apart from being a homophobe, David was a great guy and father to both Cameron and Sierra and a great husband to Gina.

He pushed the pictures away once he realised how hard he was crying and thought about his relationship with Nash.

What would happen now? Will they still be friends? Could Cameron keep up this 'straight act' any longer? Does he actually hate gays?

While Cameron sat contemplating his future with Nash, Nash sat on his double bed with a runny nose and a broken heart.

How pathetic, he thought of himself, crying over someone who hates you.

But as pathetic as it was, Nash couldn't stop because he still loved Cameron, even if Cameron didn't love him.

Then a question popped into his mind, a question that made Nash worry and fear for the next time he saw Cameron.

Would he tell everyone? The fans? Chad? The other guys? That Nash was gay and had kissed him?

He wouldn't, Cameron's not like that.

But look how angry he got, of course he would!

No, he's one of the sweetest people.

That's doesn't mean anything, you saw how angry he got and what he said.

Nash's conscience constantly fought, making Nash more anxious until he was practically chewing off his fingernails.

He decided to sleep so when he woke up, his tears would be dry and he would forget about his troubles just for a second.

But it was hard falling asleep, with his mind constantly reminding him of that kiss and Cams reaction, and he had woken up about an hour ago, that didn't help. But he managed to, and when he did he dreamed of wonderful things, forgetting the world around him for several hours until Matthew Espinosa barged through his door and jumped on his legs, causing him to spring up.

"Nassshhhhh." Matthew whined when his friend laid back down. Matthew went and snuggled into Nash then gave him a big hug.

"I missed you buddy." Matt said pulling out of the hug, Nash replied with a 'mmhhm' then turned around and tried to sleep again before the memories returned.

"You didn't miss me?" Matt pouted, even though Nash couldn't see. Nash sat up.

"I did Matt I'm just really tired, sorry." Nash said, looking at Matthew.

"It's okay Nash, I'll go help Cameron with my bags." He smiled and left. Nash winced when all the memories from this morning came back, he groaned the went back to trying to sleep.

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