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Ssing's Pov

" Ciize! Have you heard from Jan? Do you know where she is? Have she come and see you? "

" Woah Woah.. One question at a time please.. What's wrong? This must be serious seeing that you're calling me at literally 6 in the morning! "

I called Ciize as soon as I woke up. Jan wouldn't pick up any of my calls and no one answered the door when I went to her house last night.

I was getting very frustrated and worried.. What was she thinking?! Leaving without telling me or anyone?! Doesn't she know the amount of worry and stress it'll cause those that care for her?

" She's not with me.. but I think she said she'd be at the company for some matters.. I'm not sure though.. my brain isn't really working well in the morn-

I hung up before she could finish her sentence. I ran to my car and immediately drove full speed to the company.

There was no time to waste. I need to know where she is..

If not,  I don't think I will ever forgive myself for not bringing her home properly.

I ran to the company, asking everyone I bumped into.

Once I found out that she was okay, that she was there in the company, I felt a huge sense of relief pouring over me.

" Where is she then? " I asked impatiently as I shook Gunsmile's shoulder.

" You sound so scary right now.. I don't even wanna tease you about this.. S-She's upstairs in the creative space room.. I think she's alone.. "

I patted his shoulders one last time and muttered a thanks before running to the creative space room.

Once I got to the room, I slammed the door open. There she was with that dumb surprised look on her face.

" S-Ssing.. "

I walked closer to her as I let out a huge breath. I grabbed her shoulders tightly,

" Why.. Jan? Why did you leave like that? Why did you not tell me? Do you know how worried I was?! "

I tried to stay calm but whenever I think of the possibilities of anything bad happening to her while I was not there to accompany her, I couldn't  help but let it all out like that.

She was on the verge of tears as she avoided eye contact with me. She let out a deep sigh, then turned and looked at me with the coldest look I've ever seen her with ever since I knew her,

" Get your hands off me. "

I stared at her with my eyes wide open, I loosen my grip on her shoulder as I continued to stare at her painfully and confusingly.

" J-Jan.. What are you-

" I said get your hands off me Ssing. "

I felt my chest tightening, and it was getting harder to breath. I stared at her intensely as I slowly removed my hands off her shoulders,

" Now that you see that I'm okay.. Are we done now? Can I go now? "
She said monotonously, as she looked at me straight in the eye.

Why is she being like this?  Why is she talking to me in that tone..? As if .. we don't mean anything to each other.

" Jan.. what's wrong with you? Why are you talking in this way? I was just worried about you.. you shouldn't have left like that. " I said trying to hold her arms again, but she pushed my hands away before I could hold it.

" Okay, then I thank you for your concern. But I don't think you should touch me so freely like that anymore."

I scrunched my eyebrows at her, and looked at her with a painful expression.

How can she say that? And so easily like that too.. Do I mean nothing to her?

" Someone may misunderstand you know. " She said that last bit with such a bitter tone.

I just looked at her confusingly because I don't understand what's going on right now.

Why she's being like this, Why she's saying stuff I don't understand.. and more importantly, why does everything she's doing right now make me feel so much pain?

" We should stop putting on that act.. as well. I-I don't feel comfortable. "

For the first time, she didn't give me that cold look. I could feel that she didn't mean it, but why is she saying it then?

I shook my head, and grabbed her arms,
" Jan.. Tell me what's wrong.. don't be like that.. please.. " I begged as her tears flowed down drop by drop.

She was crying as she stared at me, my heart ached seeing her cry and when she looked at me with that cold look in her eyes.

When I lifted my hand up to wipe her tears, she hit my hand away and forced herself to stop crying.

" Jan.. "

I could only stare at her painfully, as I don't understand what's going on.. I know she doesn't mean what she's saying.. I know.. I just kno-

" I told you not to touch me didn't I? Let me say it again, before anyone misunderstands, Let's stop doing this. You know what I mean. " Then she quickly walked off, not even giving me time to react.

Who is she even talking about? Why does she say everything as if we've never meant anything to each other? How can she say don't touch her or don't talk to her like it's so easy.. like it's nothing?

Does our friendship and all our time together mean nothing to her? Is that why she is able to say those words out so easily?

And she feels uncomfortable..? Is that how she's been feeling? I see.. then.

Although I don't fully understand what's going on yet.. if that's what you want, if that's what'll make you stop crying and be happy.. I'll do what you want Jan.

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