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The art at the top isn't mine, and I'm not sure who it belongs to. I just found it online, and all credit goes the person who drew it. For the sake of this story, the drawing is of Emma and Hope.


        Regina sighed contently as she gently stroked the blonde hair of the woman lying on her chest. She looked so beautiful and peaceful, and Regina couldn't help but remember how broken she looked the night before. The brunette wanted to do everything in her power to give Emma a better relationship. One with real love, and passion, and without the pain she experienced before.

        Regina's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door unlocking and opening, followed by, "Swan, you home?" "We're in here Ruby." The older woman replied as quietly as she could in an attempt not to wake Emma up. Ruby walked into Emma's bedroom and smiled at the two women, "Hey Regina, how is she?"

        Regina scowled, "What do you mean?" "Oh um, we have our cultural geography lecture together, she told me that she was super conflicted about telling you about you know who. She did... tell you right?" Regina made an 'oh' shape with her mouth before responding, "Yeah, she told me all about everything, and in pretty good detail. She never got to anything about what happened after the incident because she broke down and couldn't really keep talking."

        Ruby sighed, turning her head to the side, "Well, she's never actually had to tell the story in that much detail to a real person. She did have to tell the police, but she had the choice between telling a detective in an interrogation room with cameras or recording her statement about it and giving the recording to the police. She picked the latter."

        "I get it, that's a traumatizing thing to have to talk about." Ruby nodded before walking over to the bed and leaning back against the headboard next to Regina and a sleeping Emma. "Yeah, well, Emma was dealt kind of a shitty hand in life, and I guess it's something that she just came to terms with. It got the point where she would even make jokes about being abandoned or shitty foster homes. But when this happened, it's almost like it set something off inside her."

        Ruby stopped for a second to think, before continuing, "Right after it happened, for the next month or so she just stayed in bed, and I made copies of all of my lecture notes, and exam study sheets for her because she was missing her lectures. She didn't even go to dance classes. I was so worried I practically lived in her apartment for those few weeks. I would walk into this room, and she wouldn't say anything, she would just cuddle up to me and put her head on my chest, and usually she would just cry."

        Regina sighed as she looked down at the peaceful face of the blonde laying on her chest, before leaning down and lightly kissing her forehead. She couldn't understand how someone so beautiful on the inside and the out, intelligent, talented, gracious (the list goes on) could be put through so much shit. She was determined to make sure that she would never have to experience anything like that again.

        "I understand, I can tell she's a sensitive person, and that's not something someone gets over easily. I'm um- I'm assuming that guy who broke in, that was him? She never got to that part." Ruby nodded, "Yeah, when you two were at the park and she abruptly pulled you away, its because she saw him. She freaked out and made up some lie, but apparently, he followed you guys, and that's how he found out where Emma lived."

        Regina's eyes widened a little as she said, "Shit, I can't believe we didn't notice someone following us for that long." " It's not your fault, and the guys an idiot anyway. Emma has a restraining order against him that says he can't go within 500 feet of her, but he did anyway." Regina scoffed, and then chuckled a little "Idiot indeed."

White Swan to Her Red Queen// A SwanQueen AUWhere stories live. Discover now