The news

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Ondreaz:Tony wake up we're going to visit home today !!

Tony :Do we have to?(he said in a tired voice)

Ondreaz:YESSSS!Lets go tell the rest of the hype house..EVERYONE IN THE KITCHEN NOW!!!!!

Everyone rushed to the kitchen

Avani:What is it

Ondreaz:me and Tony are going to visit home

Nick:For how long

Tony :one week

Nick:oh(he said sadly)

Ondreaz:well we are gonna leave soon

Tony could tell Ryland looked happy and excited but he didn't know why

Tony:We should go out to get dunkin before we leave

Nick :yeah I'm down!!

Tony :Ok when do we leave?

Nick :what about now

A few minutes later

Tony :me and nick will go get all the food and drinks


Nick :Tony when we kissed were u just in the moment or did u really want to kiss me

Tony:idk why don't we talk about this later


Ryland comes in

Ryland :hey guys u guys were taking forever

Nick :we have been in here for 5 minutes

Tony knew Ryland was up to something

Ryland:well ok cya in the car

Tony:I can tell Ryland is up to something

Nick:ok suuurreeeee

Tony :u don't believe me.

Nick:sorry he's my best friend

Tony:oh...........Uhhh I need to go to the bathroom

Nick :are u ok


Tony runs to the bathroom and starts looking through hate comments he starts to cry
Nick runs in so Tony hides in a stall

Nick:Tony ik ur in here pls answer

Tony tries to hold his tears in or cry quietly
Nick hears him

Nick:Tony are u ok


Tony fell to the floor he was havin a panic attack but he couldn't open the stall door and neither could Nick

Thomas goes in dunkin to see if y'all are ok
He hears Nick crying
He runs in the bathroom

Thomas:What is going on

Nick:I think Tony is having a panic attack but we can't get the stall door open

Nick starts crying

Nick:Tony pls don't do this to me I need u to wake up c'mon


Nick :calm down why are u having a panic attack o remember reading hate comments since u told me I wasn't ur best friend

Nick:omg Tony u are my best friend but Ryland is too

Tony:see do u think that makes me feel good about myself

Thomas :There is a key under the carpet to open the stall


He hands nick the key
They both here tony fall but nick starts to freak out

Nick:he fell he's probably passed out

To be continued......

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